Soothing Ointment for Pain – Homemade Recipe

The salve recipe below is extremely efficient in treating pain due to the essential oils it contains. They have analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatoid, blood stimulating, antiseptic, anti-bacterial and decongestant properties.

Soothing Ointment for Pain – Homemade Recipe

Soothing Ointment for Pain – Recipe


– ½ cup of coconut oil

– 2 teaspoons of beeswax

– 5 drops of camphor oil (or 2 teaspoons of camphor crystals)

– 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

– 5 drops of peppermint essential oil


Let the coconut oil and the beeswax melt in the microwave or using the bain-marie technique. Mix until the 2 ingredients form a homogeneous paste.

Let the mixture cool for a few minutes, then add the crystals or the camphor oil, the peppermint oil and the eucalyptus oil. Mix until they become a fine paste, then put the solution in a container and let it cool. After it becomes completely cold, the mixture will turn into a solid cream that will liquefy when applied on the warm skin. Make sure you wash the affected areas before applying the ointment.

This recipe will warm the skin and reduce the pain and inflammation. You can use it daily, until complete healing.

If you do not own these ingredients (that you can find in the healthy food stores) like beeswax or coconut oil, you can purchase a Vitamin C cream and add the essential oil listed above (peppermint, eucalyptus and camphor). Mix well and use it daily for better results.


The camphor essential oil gas anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-rheumatic properties, being one of the most efficient remedies against rheumatic pain. You can also use it separately, by rubbing the affected areas with 3 – 4 drops of the oil. Use it for rheumatism, low back pain, muscle pain, respiratory conditions (flu, bronchitis, viruses, pharyngitis), tumors, acne, herpes, shingles, skin infections, lymphatic drainage or insomnia.

The peppermint essential oil has a cooling and soothing effect for the painful and inflamed areas. It is helpful for the headaches, fever, sinusitis or dental neuralgia. Moreover, the peppermint oil will improve the blood circulation and reduce the discomfort caused by the pain.

Finally, the eucalyptus essential oil is a very powerful antiseptic. The Australian natives used it to massage their chest and ease breathing when they has a flu or a cold. It was also utilized for treating sinus infections, sore throat and relaxation. It is also an efficient remedy for reducing mental and physical fatigue and muscle pain.

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