Reduce Fever with these Simple Home Remedies

When you have fever, your body loses numerous liquids and, implicitly, valuable vitamins and minerals. Because of the large quantity of eliminated liquids, teas, hot drinks and citrus fruits are perfect for this condition.

Reduce Fever with these Simple Home Remedies

Anti-Fever Tea

– 4 teaspoons of chamomile

– 4 teaspoons of thyme

– 4 teaspoons of linden

Mix all these plants. Let the water (1 cup) boil, and then add 1 teaspoon of the herbal mixture. Cover with a lid and let the tea infuse for 10 minutes. Drink 2 cups of tea per day. Chamomile is soothing, thyme is antiseptic and linden reduces fever and promotes sweating.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Washing the body with apple cider vinegar in case of fever is an old procedure that has great results. Soak a sponge in a solution with water (2 parts) and apple cider vinegar (1 part) and rub the body. Take a hot bath or shower and cover up with a bathrobe. Stay in bed for at least one hour so as to sweat and eliminate toxins.


If the body temperature is too high, you can call on a more powerful weapon: garlic. Crush 1 – 2 garlic cloves and add them into your bowl of hot vegetable or chicken soup.


Ginger, coriander and caraway can be administered as tea. Mix it with honey and you will notice that this remedy can reduce fever, combat infections and stimulate sweating.

Raspberries or Rosehips

Raspberry juice reduces body temperature and energizes the sick person. If you don’t have the possibility to prepare natural raspberry juice, you can drink raspberry tea or rosehip tea, 1 cup, 2 times per day, in the morning and evening.


Another efficient remedy is represented by the warm and damp compresses wrapped around the feet. After that, you can put on some thick wool socks and wait for 15 minutes, until the compresses cool. Repeat the procedure several times per day.

Thyme and Honey Tea

This remedy eases breathing. Pour 1 liter of boiled water over 4 teaspoons of thyme and let the mixture infuse for 7 minutes. Strain the liquid and add 1 chopped lemon (make sure to wash it with apple cider vinegar prior to this). Drink the tea while it’s warm. You must also consume the lemon chunks. Drink 3 cups of this tea per day.

1 comentariu

  1. What about raisins tea. Seems to always work for me.

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