Most powerful ANTIDOTE for flu, viral infections and low immunity

Thieves oil is the name of the antidote. There is a great story behind this fabulous recipe. Four thieves from France used a clever strategy to protect themselves from infection, while robbing plague victims. More precisely, the thieves covered themselves in rosemary, clove, and other aromatic herbs endowed with antiseptic and antibiotic proprieties.

most powerful antidote for cold, flu and low immunity

The Most Powerful Antidote for cold, flu and low immunity

Thieves Oil for flu and infections:  recipe

Researchers from Weber State University in Utah have tested the essential oils of these herbs and discovered that when mixed together they become so powerful they can kill almost 99.96% of the bacteria, due to their anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiviral and immunostimulant properties.

Following these findings, a great product has been launched on the marked, called “Thieves Oils”, based on the herbs used by the French thieves. Thieves oil was promoted as a miraculous potion, extremely useful to keep in our homes. To prepare this elixir at home, use this wonderful recipe:


• 40 drops of essential clove oil
• 36 drops of essential lemon oil
• 20 drops of essential cinnamon oil
• 16 drops of essential eucalyptus oil
• 10 drops of essential rosemary oil


Add all the essential oils in a small dark colored bottle, close it thightly and shake in order to stir the ingredients. If you want to obtain a larger amount of Thieves Oil, double the quantity of each ingredient.

How to use it

The possibilities of using this essential oils mix are numberless: from treating a flu and boosting the immune system of the entire family to preventing mould, removing the viruses and bacteria, purifying the air in the entire house, cleaning and sterilization of the house. That’s why we should have this natural remedy in our homes.

Before using this oils mix, you must dillute them with a vegetable oil (carrier oil). Combine 1 drop of Thieves Oils with 4 drops of vegetable oil (sunflower oil, olive oil or almond oil).

Flu, viral infections 

The safest way to use Thieves Oil is as an anti-flu remedy. This fabulous oil mix helps eliminating the virus that causes the symptoms. Put a few drops (dilluted first) on the bottom of your feet and rub them gently. Use this natural antibiotic as soon as the first symptoms of a cold or flu start creeping in.

Experts say that unlike other medicinal preparations, essential oils are much easier and more rapidly absorbed through the skin of our feet. The essential oils can be detected in the mouth 20 minutes after the mix has been applied on our feet.  For this very reason, there is no need to use this mix internally. The internal administration of essential oils is still very controversial and contraindicated.

Sore throat 

If you have a sore throat, simply apply 1 drop of Thieves Oil (dilluted first) under your tongue, keep it there for a few minutes, then spit it out. It is a very powerful mix, so keep a glass of water at hand, to “turn off the fire”.

Air purification 

To purify the air in the room and eliminate all the bacteria, use this essential oil mix in aromatherapy candle, for 15-30 minutes.

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