Plum Flowers – A Powerful Natural Remedy for Parasites, Ulcers, and Digestive Problems

Plum flowers represent a natural remedy that has not gain yet its popularity all over the world, but it is widely used in Chinese traditional medicine. The Chinese people have been using these flowers for centuries, in order to treat numerous health issues, especially digestive problems, ulcers, and parasites. Also, they have a particular role in blood purification and detoxification.

benefits of plum flowers

During the spring time, plum trees bloom, and you can harvest the flowers, then sort them. After that, plum flowers can be deposited somewhere where the light does not come in, and you can use them all year round for tea. However, if you don’t have the possibility to select your own flowers, you can buy them from tea shops. Another option is to get plum flower supplements – a much more popular alternative. Plum flower extract can also be obtained easily.

Benefits of Plum Flowers

The high amount of antioxidants from plum flowers and fruits is effective in preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and atherosclerosis. These flowers are also known for protecting heart health and fighting obesity. The antioxidants contained by these flowers play a significant role in strengthening the immune system; this is why Chinese people often use the said flowers in the form of tea or extract during convalescence.

When it comes to digestive issues, we definitely have a winner. Plum flowers can cure gastric spasms, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, bloating, parasites, and ulcers.

Plum Flower Natural Remedy – Recipe

We’re going to present you an extraordinary natural remedy containing plum flowers. It’s a solution that you can prepare at home, in a few minutes. Tea is one of the most popular and also efficient ways to make a plum flower remedy. However, the following beverage is prepared similarly, but the health benefits are considerably boosted by the goat milk.


  • 1 spoon of plum flower
  • 1 cup of goat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey


For this beverage, you need fresh goat milk. Put a cup of it into a small pot and bring it to a boil.

The next step is to add the plum flowers, stir a little and cover the pot. Let it steep for about 10 minutes.

Then, filter the beverage, throw away the plum flowers, and let the drink cool down a little.

Once the drink has reached a lower temperature – it has to be only warm, not hot – add one teaspoon of raw honey and stir well.

For optimal results, drink 2 cups of this beverage per day – one in the morning, before breakfast, and the other one before going to bed, for at least ten days. You will soon notice the benefits of this remedy on your overall health, beginning with the digestive tract.

Extra tip: If you suffer from severe or chronic constipation, you can solve these issues with the help of an excellent homemade remedy with plum fruits. Since they’re very rich in dietary fiber, plums can boost digestion and relieve constipation. Take 6-8 plum fruits, wash them thoroughly, and remove their kernels. Put them in a blender, add a little water and you’ll obtain a delicious and efficient remedy for constipation.

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