Plantain Recipe to Treat Ulcer

Plantain is one of the most popular herbs and it has been found in Europe more than 4000 years ago. It’s used especially to treat wounds, purulence, icterus, renal and urinal inflammations and hemorrhoids. This plant is also considered an efficient cure for gastric ulcer. There are two types of plantain: broadleaf plantain (Plantago Major) and narrow leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Both of them have similar composition and therapeutic proprieties.

Plantain Recipe to Treat Ulcer

Plantain for Ulcer – Recipe


– 120 plantain leaves

– 2 liters of water

– 200 g honey

– 2 lemons


Before squeezing the lemons, clean them with apple cider vinegar in order to eliminate the possible pesticides from the peel. Put the juice away and let the peel boil together with the plantain leaves and the water. Boil on low heat until the water lowers to 600 ml. Filter the liquid in a jar. Add the lemon juice and honey (when the liquid is cold). Drink 50 ml of this juice every morning before taking breakfast, until the symptoms disappear.

If you don’t have fresh leaves, you can use the plantain powder obtained by grinding the dried plant. Plantain powder is also known as cicatrizing and calming for stomach. Eat 4-6 scoops on an empty stomach.


Plantain leaves contain almost 6.5% mucosal material. Plantain seeds are useful as well for the irritated tissues due to their mucilage. This remedy is useful in covering and protecting the injured stomach.

The effect of plantain leaves on gastric secretions was studied by researchers using different types of gastro duodenal ulcer, including chronic gastric ulcer stimulated by acetic acid or indomethacin and duodenal ulcer stimulated by cisteamina and pylorus ligation. The extract was administrated orally to rats and mice, for each of the type of ulcer mentioned above: 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg, 140mg/kg and 280mg/kg respectively; the results were compared to other standard medicines, such as ranitidine and misoprostol.

The study result shows that the plantain leaves extract administered in high doses has a better effect for healing ulcer and preventing gastro duodenal ulcers than the conventional medicines.

Plantain has an important antiseptic, bactericide, bacteriostatic and diuretic action. It contains two important iridoid glycosides: aucubin – with anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antiviral effects and catalpol with anti-hypertensive, hepato-protective, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral proprieties.

The medical research confirms that plantain is an excellent plant for bladder diseases, fever, bronchitis, high blood pressure, rheumatism, peptic ulcer, diabetes and dysentery.

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