Miraculous Homemade Russian Remedy – Effective in Treating Many Diseases

Get acquainted with the recipe to a  miraculous homemade Russian remedy. It has proven its effectiveness over decades in treating a wide range of diseases. This amazing ointment is used for treating bronchitis, a great deal of skin affections, sore ovaries, female diseases, and many more.

russian homemade remedy



  • 400 ml cold-pressed organic coconut/olive oil
  • 1 egg yolk (also organic)
  • 60 g bee wax


First, begin by finely crushing the egg yolk. Place the cold-pressed oil and bee wax in a pot, put it on the heated stove and let it cook. When you notice the bee wax melting, gradually introduce the egg yolk while stirring continually.

Strain the obtained content in a small jar. Remember to stir the mixture to avoid the bee wax from remaining on the bottom of the jar.

This homemade ointment is very beneficial for a wide range of health problems. If you wish to use it as a compress, it is recommendable to warm it up a bit before. But remember it shouldn’t exceed a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. You may use this ointment in treating the following health problems.

  • Bronchitis

Take half a teaspoon of this amazing remedy three times a day before your meals. It should improve your condition and ease the symptoms associated with bronchitis.

  • Burns

This ointment is very beneficial in treating all sorts of skin affections, burns included. Simply apply a few drops of this balm on the affected area and afterward cover it with a clean cloth or bandage. It is advisable to leave the bandage on overnight.

  • Acute otitis media

Leave a little piece of cloth or bandage absorb this ointment and afterward place it inside your hurting ear. You should consider massaging a few drops of this balm besides the ear as well.

  • Toothache

If your tooth hurts, applying this balm on your tooth and nearby gums will significantly relieve your pain.

  • Inflamed sinuses

Fill a pipette with melted ointment. Filter a few drops in your nose twice a day, at the interval of an hour.

  • Hemorrhoids

Use a tampon-shaped gauze and let it absorb the ointment. Afterward introduce it into your rectum and let it stay there overnight.

  • Female diseases

This natural remedy is utterly efficacious in treating female diseases including inflammation, ovarian cysts, and fibroma. Soak a tiny tampon into the ointment and introduce it into your vagina. You should do this twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

  • Tonsillitis

If you’re suffering from tonsillitis, you should simply apply a few drops of the ointment on the affected area and afterward use a compress.

  • Gangrene and ulcers

Administer compresses soaked in this ointment on your affected area and replace them every two hours.

  • Strengthening your nails

Soak your nails in this natural ointment, put on some gloves and let them on overnight for best results.

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