Lavender Tea – Properties, Recipe and Administration
Lavender has numerous valuable therapeutic properties: antiseptic, diuretic and soothing. The products containing lavender such as infusions and tinctures are extremely helpful when it comes to biliary dyskinesia, bloating and migraines. The tincture and essential oil are useful for neurosis and mental overload. The internal therapy with infusions, essential oils and honey is beneficial for the respiratory disorders like flu, bronchitis or whooping cough. This must be associated with the external treatment including inhalations with lavender essential oil diluted in warm water. When it comes to the urinary tract disorders (cystitis), you must use lavender tincture and essential oil, accompanied by local warm baths.
Lavender has more than 40 ingredients that cannot be obtained in the lab. They are 100% natural and they include: olifalic alcohol, acetic acid, tannins and various bitter compounds that make lavender a healing plant for more than 70 diseases.
Lavender Tea – Recipe and Administration
In order to obtain the lavender tea, you must infuse 0,8 – 1,5 grams of dried lavender flowers (this means 1 – 2 teaspoons) in 150 ml of boiled water. Let them steep for 5 – 10 minutes. This tea can be consumed up to 3 times per day, depending on the disease. It can also be drunk before bedtime to combat insomnia.
This tea is administered internally and it’s used for anxiety, agitation, insomnia, digestive disorders or bloating.
Lavender Tea – Benefits
Combats Cancer
For more than 20 years, the researchers have focused on some substances contained in the lavender that can combat various types of cancer. Until now, the results are promising, but more studies need to be conducted.
Fights Against Insomnia
Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that lavender is useful when it comes to promoting a restful sleep and combating insomnia. The tea recipe presented above is extremely useful when it comes to treating insomnia. So, before going to sleep, you must drink one cup of lavender tea or use a small bag of lavender flowers to put under your pillow. The scent of this amazing plant will help you have a peaceful sleep
Agitation and Anxiety
Lavender can diminish the agitation and aggressiveness of the elderly who suffer from various forms of dementia. Also, lavender tea will reduce the anxiety in certain people who have to deal with regular stressful situations.
Stomach Disorders
The polyphenols in the lavender have the capacity to kill the bacteria in the stomach that are responsible for the poor digestion and heartburn. If you have such problems, you must drink lavender tea or use lavender to prepare cakes or various other dishes. It has a pleasant taste and it will also help you get rid of the stomach disorders.
Lavender tea has sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic properties. Moreover, levender can reduce inflammations and speeds up the healing process of the wounds. One cup of tea made of lavender flowers, linden flowers, melilot flowers and butterbur flowers (one teaspoon of which) is recommended 2 times per day for those suffering from depression.
If you are allergic to lavender, don’t use it neither internally, not externally.
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