Homemade Syrup and Blend Recipes for Bronchitis

The main symptom of the bronchitis is the nagging and persisting cough that will often cause breathing difficulties. Most people suffer from bronchitis throughout the winter months and it can be caused by a viral respiratory infection. You can ease the symptoms of the condition by using herbal teas and home remedies. These will help you breathe better and will also combat the condition. Read below to find out what the best home remedies for bronchitis are.

Homemade Syrup and Blend Recipes for Bronchitis

Black Cherry Syrup

This is a magnificent and beneficial syrup that is going to calm the coughs and soothe the sore throat. Unlike other cough syrups, it also has a great taste.


  • Anise – 1 teaspoon
  • Wild cherry bark – 2 tablespoons
  • Fennel seeds – 1 tablespoon
  • Valerian – 2 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon chips – 1 tablespoon
  • Dried ginger root – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 cup

Preparation: mix all these herbs and use 2 ounces of them to mix with pure water (1 quart). Use low heat to simmer the herbs and let the liquid reduce by half. Strain this solution and then mix 2 cups of it with honey (1 cup).  This is your syrup and you can take it several times per day so as to improve your condition.

Cough Tea

This blend is extremely beneficial for those suffering from sore throat and hacking, dry cough.

Ingredients (equal parts):

  • Anise
  • Marsh mallow root
  • Coltsfoot leaves
  • Mullein flowers

Preparation: mix the herbs and add 2 teaspoons to boiling water (1 cup). Let the solution infuse and steep for about 20 minutes. You can add honey or cinnamon for a better taste. Consume the hot tea a few times per day.

Eucalyptus Blend

This remedy is beneficial for both bronchitis and colds. It soothes the sore throat, has expectorant action, reduces the fever and opens the lungs.


  • Water – 3 cups
  • Eucalyptus leaves – 1 tablespoon
  • White willow bark – 1 teaspoon
  • Yarrow – 1 teaspoon
  • Mullein flowers – 1 tablespoon

Preparation: first of all, you must heat the willow bark and let it boil. After that, you must reduce the heat and add the yarrow, the mullein and the eucalyptus. Let the solution infuse for about 15 minutes and then you can drink it. Consume it several times per day for better effects.

Gin and Sunflower Seed Remedy

This recipe is good for both cough and bronchitis and it’s extremely easy to make.


  • Sunflower seed – 2 ounces
  • Gin – 6 ounces
  • Water – 1 quart
  • Sugar – 6 ounces

Preparation: to begin with, you must boil the seeds in the water, let them steep and then strain the solution. After that, you can add the gin (the Holland gin is recommended) and the sugar. Take this remedy up to 4 times daily. Take maximum 2 teaspoons at a time.

Herbal Soother

This herbal remedy is known for calming the coughing spasms and soothing the mucilage.

Ingredients (equal parts):

  • Mullein root
  • Colt’s foot root
  • Marsh mallow root
  • Comfrey root

Preparation: chop the dried roots and soak them in cold water for about 20 minutes. After that, let them boil and steep the solution for 15 minutes. Add honey and drink the warm tea daily until your condition improves.

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