Homemade Body Butter that Revitalizes Your Skin (Recipe)

Winter brings more than snow and cold wind; it also initiates the never-ending struggle with dry skin. And, sadly, it’s a struggle that you have to deal with year after year after year. For this exact purpose, there is a myriad of products that are created for ensuring the hydration and protection of our skin during severe cold weather.

homemade body butter

However, in most of the cases, these products are pretty expensive, and sadly enough, they don’t work as we expect them to. And our skin remains defenseless in front of the merciless cold wind. But, happily, there’s a solution to our problem, and that is a homemade body butter that will revitalize your skin and make it look ten years younger.

The reason its results are guaranteed is because this butter contains coconut oil, among other ingredients. It’s no secret that coconut oil is amazing for the skin, hydrating it thoroughly and making it look young. Just a little amount of coconut oil on your skin can make a world of a difference, especially if you’re fighting against dry skin. Now, here are the ingredients to this miracle-worker homemade remedy.


  • 1 cup of organic coconut oil
  • Zest from half an organic lime
  • Zest from half an organic orange
  • Zest from half an organic lemon
  • 4-5 drops of orange essential oil
  • 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil


Begin by putting the coconut oil in a pan, and continue by heating it for half a minute until it becomes liquid. After it is warm, pour it into another bowl and stir in order to get rid of all the lumps. Afterward, incorporate the zest from the citrus fruits and keep on stirring.

After you’ve obtained a nice mixture, incorporate the essential oils. Make sure that the coconut oil is not hot when you combine the essential oils of the recipe. Now, simply place the obtained content in the refrigerator. You should store it in the refrigerator till the coconut oil becomes solid, which means that you should leave your fingerprint on it.

Next, continue by blending the mixture until it becomes fluffy. After you obtain the consistency you desire, your homemade remedy against dry skin is ready! Transfer it into a jar, and store it at low temperature, so that it doesn’t melt.

That’s all – simple, natural and 100 percent safe for you to use. Plus, the beneficial results on the skin are guaranteed! Thanks for stopping by.

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