Enlarged Liver, Hepatitis, Kidney Stones, Slow Digestion – An Effective Bitter Remedy

Those who suffer from various liver conditions (hepatitis, enlarged liver etc.), digestive problems, bladder pain or kidney stones can use as remedy a bitter-sweet syrup made of wormwood.

Enlarged Liver, Hepatitis, Kidney Stones, Slow Digestion – An Effective Bitter Remedy

Wormwood Syrup – Recipe


– 100 grams wormwood

– 500 ml cold water

– 400 grams sugar


Let the wormwood soak in a bowl of water for about 24 hours. After that, strain the liquid and add the sugar. Mix well and take 1 tablespoon of the solution three times per day.

Honey and Wormwood Syrup – Recipe


– 15 tablespoons of crushed wormwood leaves

– Honey


Put the fresh wormwood leaves in a glass jar. Pour the honey to fill the jar and close tightly. Let the mixture soak for about 1 month, then strain. This syrup has tonic, digestive, laxative, hepato-protective and carminative properties.

Effects and Benefits

Wormwood is considered by the naturopathic physicians to be the most powerful bitter tonic with an amazing healing property. It is appreciated for its strengthening effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system. Wormwood is indeed a beneficial remedy for the liver and the stomach. The plant can help with the regeneration of an affected liver and can also protect the liver cells, cleansing the organism from the toxins and waste products.

Wormwood is also a useful remedy for those who have a slow digestion. The plant will increase the stomach’s acidity and the bile secretion, improving digestion and the nutrients’ absorbtion. It reduces gases and bloating and if it’s consumed regularly it can help the body regain its vitality after a long disease.

The folk medicine also promotes wormwood as a sedative and anti-inflammatory remedy. It can help treat the intestinal parasites and worms, the lack of appetite, the hepato-biliary and digestive disorders and fever.


When consumed in large quantities, wormwood can be poisonous. Some persons might get insomnia, anxiety and headaches just from the scent of the plant.

Wormwood is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. Those who suffer from stomach irritations, ulcer or other gastric lesions should also avoid taking wormwood. When taken in large quantities, this plant can cause kidney and liver lesions, muscular spasms or hallucinations because of the compound known as thujone. In small doses, this substance can be a brain stimulant.

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