Elderflower Helps Your Nervous and Immunity System

Products made of elderflower and elderberry are traditional natural remedies, and their effectiveness has also been proven scientifically. Numerous researchers confirmed that elderflower syrup or beverages are more than just a refreshing drink we prefer during hot summer days.

elderflower syrup benefits

Slovak researchers analyzed the nutritional content of elderflower extracts; they found out that these contain a broad range of antioxidants. According to them, the beverage obtained from elderflower should be included in our diet as a trusted source of phenols.

Elderflower is also rich in bioflavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergy and anti-carcinogenic proprieties. All these make this plant a potent natural remedy, suitable for any age group.

Its effect on your nervous system

Also, according to specialists, the juice made of elderflower is a natural tonic, which fights stress and fatigue successfully. Doctors advise us to make a homemade syrup from these flowers, and then use this as a base for a refreshing drink. A little syrup added to a glass of water is excellent in a canicular day, but it also has plenty of benefits on our nervous system.

This beverage is recommended for those who suffer from:

  • Nervous strain
  • Asthenia
  • Depression caused by stress
  • Mental blocks

The nutrients contained by this herb boost the functions of your brain, also relieving stress and anxiety.

However, if you deal with one or more of the problems mentioned above, you should have elderflower beverages in high amounts, such as 1 liter per day. For best results, you are advised to keep on doing this for several weeks, but also avoid meat during this treatment. Dairy products are allowed, as well as any vegetal foods.

During this treatment, you should also take long walks and do physical activity. These will also help your body to relax, and enhance the proper functioning of your brain and nervous system. Don’t forget that physical activity can change your mood dramatically and plays a crucial role in curing nervous disorders.

Other benefits of elderflower

Besides the beneficial effect this herb has on your nervous system, it also has numerous proprieties that improve your overall health. For instance, it is a potent antiviral, which makes it an excellent remedy if you have a cold. Also, elderflower syrup can heal a wide array of symptoms, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Aches
  • Cough
  • Nasal congestion
  • Mucus discharge
  • Sinus infection

So, next time you have a cold or the flu and experience one or more of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to use elderflower as an effective natural remedy.

Scientific studies also confirmed that this plant is successfully used to treat chronic constipation.

Other research shows the positive results of elderflower on gum’s health. Used in combination with other products, such as mouthwash, this plant can reduce gum disease and inflammation. After only four days, participants noticed significant improvements in their oral health. In fact, these results are not a surprise, because elderflower has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial proprieties, which means that it can successfully fight this kind of problems.

1 comentariu

  1. Where you can get elderflower?????

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