DIY Soap for Beautiful Skin

Homemade soaps have become genuinely popular lately. They’re easy to make, all natural and particularly hydrating, as opposed to the commercial alternatives, which are filled with numerous chemicals that have harmful effects. Even though the 0ff-the-counter soaps smell delicious, they are filled with chemicals, parabens, synthetic derivatives and so on. Truth be told, these compounds are harsh on the skin, and, in the long term, they can cause real damage.

diy soap goat milk

The solution to the problem is simple – DIY soaps. We propose to you a recipe featuring goat milk as the main ingredient. This milk has remarkable moisturizing and cleaning properties.

The benefits of goat milk

Let’s begin with naming the primary benefits goat milk has. Goat milk has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and it encompasses a wealth of nutrients. The significant levels of fat molecules and alpha-hydroxyl acids makes it the ideal ingredient for preventing premature aging, healing acne, skin irritation and soothing damaged skin.

Additionally, goat milk incorporates essential vitamins and nutrients including vitamin E, D, and A, which aim at deeply nourishing the skin from the inside out.

For this DIY soap, you can either use goat milk you can purchase from online stores, or goat milk soap base, which is easier to use. All you have to do is melt it. This miracle recipe also includes honey, coffee, and essential oils, as these natural ingredients have numerous benefits for nourishing the skin.

Honey is known to have moisturizing, antioxidant, antibacterial, and soothing properties. Also, did you know that coffee is a surprising ingredient which reduces redness, treats acne scars, tones the skin and eliminates cellulite? It’s time you took advantage of all these benefits!

The bottom-line is that the recipe you’re about to get acquainted with is easy to prepare, and is versatile, since you can add whichever fragrances and colors you prefer. Without further ado, let’s get started!

DIY Soap – Ingredients

  • 1 ½ cups of fresh goat milk soap base
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds
  • 10-12 drops of the essential oil of your preference
  • 3 silicon molds


  • Cut the goat milk soap base into tiny cubes, and place them into a bowl.
  • Next, position the bowl in the microwave, and allow the soap base to melt for one minute. Check to see if it’s uniformly melted.
  • Incorporate a teaspoon of honey.
  • Integrate a tablespoon of fresh coffee grounds.
  • Add ten drops of essential oil, whichever you prefer. You can choose from peppermint, lavender, rose, and so on.
  • Mix the ingredients together. As it cools down, it will become stable.
  • Transfer the content into the silicon molds.
  • Allow it to sit for thirty minutes.
  • Remove your all-natural soap from the molds.
  • Refrigerate the soap for three days, and afterward, you may start using it.
  • Ideally, you should store it in a cool place, and remember that its shelf life is of one month since it doesn’t contain any acids whatsoever.

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