DIY Garlic Energizer – Easy Recipe with Tonic Effects

Garlic is an ingredient that embodies restorative effects on our bodies, which are more and more detrimentally affected by stress, chronic weariness and poor immunity. It encompasses powerful effects on the circulatory system, cardiovascular system, metabolism and immunity.

garlic energizer

Besides the fact that it protects us from cardiovascular diseases, as it significantly diminishes tension and cholesterol, garlic functions as a natural tonic for our bodies. Regular garlic intake helps your body fight against chronic stress, as it grows your body’s antioxidant capacity to protect itself from the detriments caused by oxidative stress. Garlic significantly reduces weariness, improves your energy, grows your physical strength and extends life expectancy.

Garlic Energizer – Recipe


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Green parsley
  • 1 tsp organic olive oil


  • Finely chop or crush the garlic and place it in a small bowl. Chop the parsley as well, and add it to the garlic. Finally, add a few drops of olive oil. Stir until it’s nicely mixed.
  • Consume this paste for breakfast, on a slice of integral bread.
  • After having eaten this paste, in order to get rid of the smell of garlic, chew some coffee beans, eat an apple, a slice of melon, or chew some aromatic parsley.

How it works

Garlic reduces weariness, thanks its beneficial properties. One of them is reducing the levels of stress hormones, which influence the way in which the renal glands react to stress. Additionally, the antioxidant properties garlic embodies have an important role in combating weariness caused by free radicals.

Garlic has been used as a tonic for centuries. It is believed that during the construction of the Egyptian imposing pyramids, the working slaves were given garlic to have strength and resistance against diseases.

A Japanese study developed in the 80’s indicates that garlic extract significantly diminishes weariness’ symptoms, as well as depression and anxiety.

Another experiment conducted on 122 patients dealing with symptoms associated with stress also obtained favorable results. The study lasted for 8 weeks. 90.7 percent of the patients reported a significant reduction of weariness, eye tiredness, weakness, cold extremities, respiratory difficulties, rigid shoulders, back pain, dizziness, headaches and constipation.

Contraindications and precautions

Garlic doesn’t encompass toxic properties. Nonetheless, it should be consumed in moderation. For some people, it can lead to allergic reaction.

Garlic consumption should be avoided in the following cases: acute inflammation, stomach injuries, hypoglycemia, insomnia, the intake of blood medicine, blood pressure, cholesterol, before a medical intervention or before an organ transplant.

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