Cure Acne with Bentonite Clay Masks – Recipes

Numerous face masks contain bentonite clay due to its amazing properties. It contains a wide array of minerals and can immediately promote healing. Bentonite clay will help you eliminate all the impurities and detoxify your skin, leaving it fresh, clean and soft. You will no longer have clogged pores, pimples and irritations.

Cure Acne with Bentonite Clay Masks - Recipes

Bentonite clay has absorbing properties and eliminates excess sebum and oil. As a result, it will tighten the pores, being especially useful for those who suffer from acne.

Below you will find 2 bentonite clay mask recipes to help you have the skin you have always dreamed of. The first recipe included bentonite clay and green tea. It also has aloe vera that will fight against free radicals and make your skin look younger and more glowing.

The second recipe is made of oatmeal and bentonite clay. It has anti-bacterial properties and can cure acne in a few weeks. Moreover, oatmeal comes with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and can eliminate dead skin cells.

Green Tea and Bentonite Clay – Recipe 1


– Bentonite clay (2 tablespoons)

– Aloe vera gel (1/2 tablespoon)

– Green tea (2 – 3 tablespoons)


Put the bentonite clay in a bowl and prepare some green tea. Always make sure that the green tea you add to this recipe is fresh. Add the tea into the bowl and finally add the aloe vera gel. Mix well and if you notice that the mask is too thick, you can add some more green tea. Now, your bentonite clay mask is ready to use.

Oatmeal and Bentonite Clay – Recipe 2


– Bentonite clay (1 tablespoon)

– Water (2 – 3 teaspoons)

– Ground oatmeal (1 tablespoon)

– Tea tree essential oil (2 – 4 drops)


Mix the bentonite clay with the ground oatmeal and add some water to obtain a paste. Finally, you can add the tea tree oil. Mix well to obtain a fine paste that you can use as a face mask.


Before applying any of the 2 masks, you must wash your face. After that, apply the paste, and make sure to also cover your neck. Let the mask cure for almost 20 minutes and then use lukewarm water to remove it. You can use these masks 1 – 2 times per week.

Useful Tips

– The oatmeal for the second mask can be obtained by grinding some oatmeal in the coffee grinder or blender.

– You can use any type of bentonite clay: cream, grey, white or with extra iron content.

– If you want a simpler recipe, you can mix bentonite clay (1 tablespoon) with enough water and apply the mask on your face. You can use rose water instead of plain water.

– Prepare the greet tea for the first mask with one green tea bag and a cup of water.

– You must not use metal utensils when preparing a mask containing bentonite clay. Metal will make the mask ineffective. Instead, you can use ceramic, wood, glass or plastic utensils.

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