The Common Horsetail Does Wonders For Your Kidneys

Equisetum arvense or horsetail is a herbaceous plant found in the northern hemisphere, in the temperate and arctic regions. The name “arvense” is derived from the Latin word “arvensis,” which implies it comes from a grassland, field or meadow. It has sterile and fertile stems that bore spores, growing from an underground stem system.  This plant can be found in nature from summer till autumn.


The common horsetail boasts with several substances which can be used medicinally. It is rich in a high number of minerals, including potassium, calcium, and silicon (10%).

The common horsetail is one of the plants that possesses the best qualities against urinary infections and kidney disorders. Its effects against these conditions have been known for a long time already.

Horsetail tea

One of the best ways to consume it is by making a tea. It can be prepared by macerating it in cold water overnight, by infusing it in hot water or by boiling it. Some authors recommend decocting it, which you can make by following this recipe:

Pour 3 or 4 tablespoons of the plant  in a 500 ml bowl of cold water. Cover it and let it macerate overnight. After that, strain it. Put the macerated contents aside. Put the plants that are left after the filtration process in a 500 ml bowl of water and boil it for 5 minutes, and let it infuse until it gets cold. Strain it yet again and mix it with the macerated contents from before. Drink 1 mug for 2 or 3 times a day.

Mixed Tea

Sebastian Kneipp, a famous doctor of German origin, recommends the consumption of a brewed tea composed of horsetail, elderflower and juniper fruits to treat kidney stones. This tea’s diuretic power is extremely potent.

Mix the plants in equal quantities. The preparation method is the same as the one described above. Consume one mug, for 2 or 3 times a day.

Individuals who suffer from urinary conditions and associated pains, especially the elderly, can have their affections relieved by inhaling the vapors from the horsetail tea.

Other recommendations

  • Water retention in the pericardium
  • Inflammations in the renal basin
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Hydropsy
  • Urinary infections
  • Kidney stones with uric acid, usually associated with gout

The common horsetail is an exceptional natural diuretic that maintains a stable urinary flow and helps eliminate excess water and toxins from the body. Along with its benefits related to the uro-renal tract, the common horsetail has positive effects on the bones, nails and hair. It also has anti-tumoral properties.

Counter indications and precautions

The common horsetail should not be administered in treatments that last longer than two weeks. Consuming alcohol during the period of the treatment is strictly forbidden.

People suffering from renal affections, gout, diabetes, pregnant women or women who breastfeed should consult their doctors before treating themselves with this particular plant.

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