Blocked Sinuses – Natural Remedies

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are almost 29 million adults suffering from sinusitis or sinus problems. Sinus infections may be caused by cold, allergies or deviated septum. Although antibiotics are the first medicines recommended in these cases, practitioners of alternative medicine claim that aromatic plants can be much more effective and come with no side-effects.

Blocked Sinuses – Natural Remedies

The three plants that can help in relieving sinus congestion are the following: rosemary, oregano and thyme. These contain etheric oils which dilate the bronchial ramifications, stimulate elimination of mucus excess, ease breathing and, in addition, attack bacteria and viruses.

Blocked and Inflamed Sinuses: Recipe

If you have dried thyme, rosemary or oregano at home, you can grind them in the coffee grinder. Otherwise, you can use thyme, rosemary, oregano or eucalyptus essential oils (you can find them at the pharmacy or herbal stores).


– 1 teaspoon of thyme (or 2 drops of thyme essential oil);

– 1 teaspoon of rosemary (or 1 drop of rosemary essential oil)

– 1 teaspoon of oregano (or 1 drop of oregano essential oil)

– Optional – 1 drop of eucalyptus, cinnamon or clove essential oil


Boil 1 liter of water in a large pot, and then add the plants or the essential oils and inhale the steam. Lean the face towards the bowl and cover your head with a towel; stay there for 10-15 minutes, inhaling the hot steam. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

For better results, make 3-5 inhalations per day for at least a week. When the infection and symptoms disappear, reduce to one inhalation per week as to prevent relapse.


The essential oils (cineol, tymol or borneol) in these plants have antibiotic and antiseptic proprieties that won’t affect the bloodstream. This natural remedy also functions for sinus infections and bronchitis. It can also treat ear pains caused by colds.

For example, thyme has antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory proprieties, being used by naturopathic physicians both externally and internally, for treating infected wounds or digestive and respiratory disorders. Thyme essential oils stimulate the release of nasal congestion and phlegm expectoration. A study conducted in Germany on lab animals confirmed that thyme cleanses the nasal mucosa and it has a calming effect on nasal passages, as well as on throat and lung passages.

Caution! Thyme is not recommended for the women who are pregnant or who breastfeed, or for those suffering from duodenal ulcer or thyroid problems.

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