Beer Yeast Treatment – Miraculous Effects in Treating Cancer and Other Diseases

Yeast is produced from a single-celled mushroom called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it’s used in brewing beer. It mustn’t be confused with the yeast that’s used in baking.

Due to its abundant nutritional content, yeast is sold as a food supplement and energy booster. It can be found in naturopathic stores as powder, flakes or tablets.

It is an outstanding source of minerals, especially selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and chromium; it contains almost all the vitamins from the B complex  (except for B12) and vegetal proteins.

Therapeutic indications

The B vitamin complex helps in metabolizing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, playing an important role in producing energy for the organism. These vitamins also support the nervous system and the health of the digestive system, as well as that of the skin, eyes, hair, the liver, and the brain. These vitamins can cater thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid and riboflavin into the body.

Thanks to the chromium it contains, yeast can be helpful for diabetes patients. It controls the sugar levels in the blood, it improves the tolerance to glucose and reduces the necessary intake of insulin.

Chromium has always been associated with bodily fat reduction and maintaining of an optimal body weight. Certain studies show that yeast also helps in decreasing the cholesterol level. Some other scientific results suggest that yeast can improve acne and can prevent the flu and the cold.

Apart from the health benefits we mentioned until now, yeast is known to have good effects in numerous diseases:

  • Infections
  • Colds, the flu, pneumonia
  • Lower immunity
  • Lack of minerals
  • B avitaminosis
  • Depression
  • Imbalanced intestinal flora
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Convalescence
  • Obesity
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Hepatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Sleep and memory disturbances
  • Neurologic and neuromuscular affections
  • Infectious diseases of the intestines

The Romanian biochemist Eugen Giurgiu said that yeast with a great concentration of selenium and B vitamins is very efficient in anti-cancerous therapy. Recent studies conducted by the Germans demonstrated the efficiency of this product in treating many types of cancer, especially lymphomas, lymphosarcomas and sarcomas (the types of cancer whose main victim is the immune system). It has been proven that the cancer cells consumed the yeast and then self-annihilated.

The treatment with yeast increases the body’s resistance to invasive treatment, improves the general health condition and increases the chances of survival.

How to administer it

One can undertake cures of a maximum of 1 month, with 1 week of pause in between. It is administered in accordance to the prospect. According to the Medical Center from the University of Maryland, adults can take up to 1-2 spoonful a day. It can be added to the food or dissolved in water/ natural juice.

Before taking this supplement, consult the doctor. It can interfere with the medication prescribed for diabetes, antidepressants, and narcotics (pain killers) and it can be dangerous for Chron’s disease patients.

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