Amazing Remedy That Treats Over 10 Health Conditions – You Must Try It
Folk remedies are featured by excellent healing properties, and they have been used for numerous centuries to treat various diseases. Even today, scientific studies highlight their usefulness, and show how beneficial they are for our health.
A powerful natural ingredient we’re going to talk about today is castor oil. This product is commonly met in holistic remedies, being excellent at curing an array of conditions, in the case in which conventional therapies didn’t treat the condition successfully.
To begin with, castor oil is known to promote the correct functioning of the circulatory system. This is the primordial reason why it is typically used as a coating, in relieving a range of pains. The combo of castor oil and baking soda is known to be an excellent remedy for treating various conditions. Let’s get acquainted with the preparation process of castor oil coating, shall we?
Castor Oil Coating – Preparation Steps
Before you apply castor oil, it’s primordial to clean the affected area with baking soda. What will you be needing? Clean gauze, cold pressed castor oil, a bottle of warm water, a towel, and a plastic foil. Begin by heating the oil. Next, apply the heated remedy on the area, by soaking the piece of gauze in it. Afterward, cover the given area with foil, so that the skin absorbs the nutrients.
Proceed by placing the bottle of warm water on the foil, after you have wrapped it in the towel. Ideally, you should let it stay for about an hour. For guaranteed results, you should repeat the procedure daily, for 40 days.
Castor Oil Treats an Array of Health Conditions
- If you wish to stimulate the healing process when you’re dealing with wounds, bruises, and cuts, you can use castor oil successfully.
- If you’re suffering from a strained ankle, you should use the castor oil coating to relieve the pain.
- In the last two weeks of pregnancy, it’s recommended to use castor oil for massaging the stomach, in order to decrease the emergence of stretch marks.
- To heal cataracts, you should use castor oil coatings before going to sleep.
- If you’re dealing with allergies, you should add five drops of castor oil to your water and drink it in the morning.
- To relieve back pain, apply castor oil coating, until you observe noticeable improvements in your well-being.
- If you wish to get rid of warts, apply castor oil on the area for one month.
- If you have dark spots on your complexion, by combining baking soda and castor oil, you can diminish them.
- Castor oil is excellent for stimulating hair growth – massage a few drops of castor oil into the scalp, before applying shampoo.
- Fungal infections can become history if you turn to castor oil coating, and use it on a regular basis.
- Bee stings and swellings can be treated with castor oil coating.