4 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite
85% of the women all over the world are affected by cellulite. It usually appears in the tights, but sometimes you can also see it on the stomach, the buttocks and the legs. The free-floating fat cells located underneath the skin are the ones that form the cellulite. You will immediately notice if you suffer from this problem, because the skin will have a dimples surface resembling cottage cheese or an orange peel. Cellulite is caused by unhealthy lifestyles, genetics and hormones. An important aspect about cellulite is that it worsens with age, so it is always better to treat it immediately with some of the natural remedies presented below.
1. Cayenne Pepper
This food burns fat by boosting the metabolism, increasing the blood circulation and heating up the body. At the same time, it removes the dead skin cells and promotes the growth of new cells. You can consume cayenne pepper on a regular basis to get rid of the body toxins and reduce the cellulite. You can mix lemon juice with grated ginger (1 teaspoon) and cayenne pepper powder (2 teaspoons) and then add them to a cup of warm water. Consume this solution thrice a day and repeat the remedy for almost 2 months so as to see any improvement.
2. Seaweed
The seaweed is an exfoliating agent that will eliminate the toxins from the organism, will improve the skin texture and will stimulate the blood circulation. As a result, it reduces the cellulite. You have to prepare a mixture containing essential oil (a couple of drops), extra-virgin oil (1/4 cup), sea salt (1/4 cup) and ground seaweed (3 tablespoons). Mix them well and then massage this solution on the affected area. Continue massaging for 10 minutes and after that, you can take a shower. Apply a moisturizer after showering.
3. Coffee Grounds
This is, probably, one of the most common remedies against cellulite. The coffee grounds will make a great exfoliating scrub and will immediately regenerate the healthy cells and eliminate the dead skin cells. For this remedy, you must mix melted coconut oil (2 tablespoons), sugar (3 tablespoons) and coffee grounds (1/4 cup). Use this paste to massage the affected area for a few minutes. Make sure the massage is firm. Use lukewarm water to rinse off and repeat the remedy up to 3 times weekly until you see the cellulite disappear.
4. Green Clay
This product strengthens and repairs the connective tissues, absorbs the fats and the impurities, eliminates the dead skin cells and stimulates the lymph and blood circulation. As a result, green clay is one of the most effective remedies for cellulite. Mix seaweed (1/2 cup) with green clay (1/2 cup) and add organic honey (1 tablespoon), hot water (3 tablespoons) and lime juice (1/4 cup). Mix them well until you form a paste and massage the affected zone with this solution. Use a plastic wrap to cover the area and after 30 minutes, you can remove it and rinse off with warm water. This treatment must be followed once a week to notice the results.
Other ingredients that can be used as cellulite remedies are water, tangerine oil, apple cider vinegar, juniper oil and salmon.
Coffee grounds? I’ll have to try it!!
I only use my magnifying glass for reading !
In the tights?