3 Ways Yogurt Can Make Your Hair and Skin Look Beautiful

As boring as it might look for some people, yogurt is one of the best things that you can include in your diet. This product is loaded with calcium, protein and all kinds of vitamins, such as B2 (riboflavin), D, B12, and B5. One of the best things that yogurt does is to improve digestion due to its high amount of probiotics.

Besides the obvious health benefits, yogurt can also make your skin and hair look better. This is possible because it contains zinc, vitamin B, and lactic acid. This applies only to organic plain yogurt, though.

So, without further ado, here are 3 ways in which yogurt can make your hair and skin look beautiful.

Yogurt is an excellent weapon against dandruff

Dandruff, a fungus that forces the skin to produce flakes, could be an annoying thing to deal with. Due to its antifungal properties, yogurt is a sure fire way to eliminate dandruff.

  • Buy plain, organic yogurt and massage your scalp with it for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can mix the yogurt with a little lemon juice.
  • Wait for 45 minutes, then wash your scalp with warm water.
  • Apply this treatment for a few times a week.

It treats dry and itchy skin

Yogurt is an excellent hydrating agent for your skin, fighting off dryness. By removing the dry skin, it will moisturize it and improve it in the process.

Thanks to the lactic acid that yogurt contains, the bacteria and germs that caused the itchiness in the first place will be eliminated as soon as you apply the yogurt on the skin.

  • For a daily routine, simply apply plain yogurt on the legs, hands and face and massage the skin in circular motions. Take a shower after 10 minutes.
  • If you want to use this treatment weekly, you could do that by preparing a moisturizing mask. All you have to use is four spoons of crushed papaya and one and a half cup of yogurt. If you want to, you can mix them with a little lemon juice and honey.

Yogurt will reduce the blemishes

Yogurt can prevent skin discoloration due to its bleaching properties. Other than that, it will make your blemishes and the scars on your skin seem much less obvious, so you could call yogurt a makeup of sorts.

The lactic acid that can be found naturally in yogurt is a natural cleanser that will hide and treat your blemishes and scars.

  • Apply plain, organic yogurt on the affected area and massage it for 5 minutes. Let the yogurt sit for 15 minutes, then wash it off with water. Do it twice a day for good results.
  • As an alternative, you could combine 3 spoons of yogurt and lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it there for about 20 minutes. After that, all you have to do is wash your skin with warm water.

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