Recipe to Prepare Medicinal Oils from Different Plants

Besides being your friends when it comes to cooking, many plants are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals with unique therapeutic properties.

Oils made of plants are very easy to make at home and easy to incorporate in different dishes as salads, pasta, etc. They can also be used for their therapeutic properties and applied externally. However, keep in mind that these oils must not be used for frying.

Kept in the refrigerator on proper terms, these oils can last up to 1 month. Before using them, you should leave them at room temperature for about 20 minutes. You can also give them as a gift, wrapped in a small cute bottle with a ribbon and a name tag, the preparation date and the instructions regarding where and how the oil should be stored.

homemade herbal oils

How can I make medicinal oils at home

Herbal oils are made using the same process utilized for tinctures, but instead of using alcohol or vinegar, you will use extra virgin olive oil. Other oils can also be used to make such recipes:

  • Avocado oil
  • Nuts oil
  • Hazel oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Cannabis oil

The oil you choose for your infusion will be your own choice. If you plan to use the oil for cosmetic purposes, you could also use almond or grape seeds oil.

Your first step is to wash away any dirt or dust from the leaves and flowers of these plants. Then, you must put them on a napkin which will absorb the extra water left on them. With a grinding mortar, you can crush both the flowers and the leaves. You could also use a blender or a knife to chop them finely.

Your next step is to put the ground herb into a jar and cover it with oil. You can also add 2 tablespoons of condiments to make the oil even tastier.

Close the lid very well and place the jar in a sunny and hot place for 2 weeks. After those 2 weeks have passed and the oil is well infused, you take the jar and strain the oil to eliminate the herbs. Then, you can start using it.

If you choose to make rosemary oil, you should know that it is great for your brain’s performance, especially for the memory. This oil should be inhaled and not eaten. At the same time, most oils made at home are high in anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Oils made from lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, grapefruit, rosemary and lavender are also great for cleaning around the house.

When you are making your own homemade herbal oils, you can choose whatever plant you want, but keep in mind that it should be fresh. Dried leaves and flowers have lost their natural oils.

1 comentariu

  1. I always wanted to know how that’s done

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