Control the Blood Sugar Levels with Healthy Herbs

Diabetes is a problem that affects more and more people all over the world. It is mainly caused by obesity, sedentariness and the high stress levels of the today’s world. The unhealthy food habits can also be an essential cause for the high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can also be genetic, so if someone in your family has had diabetes, you should be extremely careful with what you eat. The blood sugar levels can be controlled with medications, but these pills also come with side effects. Thus, the alternative medicine has found that there are various healthy herbs that can reduce the blood sugar levels. Today, we will present you these magical herbs.

Control the Blood Sugar Levels with Healthy Herbs


This herb is mainly known as an immunity booster, but it also comes with a wide array of anti-diabetic properties. When consuming ginseng, your body will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and will stimulate the breakdown of the glucose. Moreover, the ginseng will increase the insulin production and, as a result, you will be able to have a healthy body and prevent diabetes. Those who already have the disease can also consume ginseng, because it will diminish the blood glucose level by up to 20%.


This herb is not only a great spice and condiment, but also a beneficial natural treatment. It is also called marjoram and it is mainly found in the Mediterranean and Spanish regions. The oregano is rich in glycosides, a compound that can immediately lower the blood sugar levels. Consume oregano water extracts on a regular basis, so as to be able to control your blood sugar levels. Moreover, the rosmarinic acid in the oregano can increase the activity of the pancreatic amylase. Finally, the oregano is going to stimulate the glucose in the body cells, increase the insulin activity, boost the immune system and reduce the carbohydrate formation.


This herb has amazing medicinal properties and it is efficient in treating the diabetes. Consume bilberry tea on a regular basis, so as to be able to control the blood sugar levels. This herb can treat both diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes. The glucoquinine in the bilberry is going to diminish the blood sugar levels. At the same time, the bilberry infusions can improve the eye sight in those with diabetes. Always consult a doctor before taking bilberry because it can bring your blood sugar levels too low and this can be extremely dangerous.


Various studies have demonstrated that sage is efficient in reducing the blood glucose levels. In order to benefit from this herb’s properties, you must consume sage infusions or sage tea on a regular basis. The sage will also boost the insulin activity and secretion and will help the pre-diabetics in curbing the blood sugar. Those suffering from type 2 diabetes can greatly benefit from this property. The sage is also going to have a positive effect on the liver function and will improve the immunity. Drink sage tea regularly or add this condiment in your dishes so as to beneficially control your blood sugar levels.

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