Tomato Juice – A Beverage for Your Heart and Body

Tomatoes are some of the most popular vegetables because they are affordable, versatile, tasty and they can be used in a wide array of recipes. The tomato juice, in particular, comes with numerous health benefits and it is incredibly delicious and rich. If you want to benefit from the full properties of the tomato juice, you must prepare your own fresh juice so as to be sure it’s natural and efficient. The tomato juice is rich in lutein, carbohydrates, potassium, sugars, vitamin E, dietary fiber, vitamin C, fat, vitamin A, water and proteins. At the same time, it contains phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Tomato Juice – A Beverage for Your Heart and Body


Contains Antioxidants

Tomato juice is rich in antioxidants and thus, it can combat cancer. The antioxidants also control the inflammation and they can prevent or treat diseases like asthma, diabetes and even heart disease. A glass of tomato juice per day is highly recommended to boost your intake of antioxidants.

Promotes Bone Health

Bone health is usually associated with the consumption of dairy foods and milk. Still, the tomato juice is also beneficial for the health of your bones. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin K that stimulates the osteocalcin, the compound that anchors the calcium into the bone.

Healthy Hair and Skin

If you want to improve the health of your hair, you must drink tomato juice. The same vitamin K helps the hair grow faster and smoother. By drinking tomato juice, you can also make your hair shinier and stronger.

If you consume tomato juice on a regular basis, you will also be able to make you skin look healthier and more glowing. For example, in order to reduce the acne, you must drink 2 glasses of tomato juice per day. This beneficial juice can also prevent the damage of the skin cells thanks to the antioxidants it contains. You can also use smashed tomatoes and apply them on your face so as to eliminate acne and acne scars.

Aids Digestion

If you have problems with your digestive system, you can drink tomato juice. This beverage is efficient in preventing and reducing constipation. You can mix it with spinach juice for a faster and better effect. The tomato juice is high in fiber and it activates the liver, allowing you to eliminate all the toxins in your organism. This juice can also prevent gall and kidney stones and its antiseptic properties will make it effective in preventing infections and diarrhea.

Prevents Heart Disease

Tomatoes can manage and even prevent heart disease because they contain vitamin B6, folate, potassium and niacin. The tomato juice stimulates and increases the homocysteine levels, the body chemical that damages the health of the heart. The lycopene in this beverage is also important for the cardiovascular health. Various studies have revealed that the risk of developing heart diseases is reduced by 30% when consuming tomato juice.

The tomato juice is beneficial for numerous other diseases and conditions and it is great for reducing the stress, promoting colon and prostate health, decreasing the cholesterol levels, reducing the blood clotting risk and improving the pancreatic health.

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