Sweet High-Fructose Corn Syrup – Toxic for Your Health

Corn syrup is highly used as a popular sweetener in various beverages, but what you didn’t know about it is that the high level of fructose can be genuinely toxic for your health.


So, next time you are considering sweetening your favorite beverage with a few drops of corn syrup, you ought to better stop and use regular sugar, or no sugar at all for that matter. The fructose present in the corn syrup develops harmful effects on our health, way harsher than sugar itself. Namely, HFCS is assimilated more rapidly than plain sugar, failing at sending your brain signals for being full, in this way determining the imminent occurrence of overeating issues which lead to obesity.

Even though there is no certain evidence at the moment with regard to this controversial aspect, specialized research is being developed at the moment, trying to settle the way in which high-fructose corn syrup detrimentally affects our bodies. However, at the moment, ceaseless debates are taking place with regard to this issue, and it is not all for nothing.

In order to wholly comprehend the way in which high-fructose corn syrup presents harmful effects for your health, you must understand that its consumption alters the right functioning of your metabolism.

Fructose is similar to glucose, as most of us are aware of. And glucose is the factor which stimulates our energy. Glucose is a core element vital for the proper working of every organism, including a bacterium. Well, the point is that fructose itself does not embody detrimental particularities, but the high intake can be lethal in so many ways.

Fructose can be found in high-fructose corn syrup and also in table sugar (crystalline fructose). Exaggerated sugar consumption embodies a wide number of hazardous effects on your health. For example, increased consumption of sugar can determine further obesity issues and overeating as it provokes addiction. An overload of sugary meals, rich in fructose, which lie in all types of processed foods, may end up shortening your life, as it raises the risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Common Sources of High-Fructose Corn Syrup

  • Instant and processed meals;
  • Drinks and sodas; carbonated or not, except for those consisting 100 percent of fruit juice;
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals;
  • Processed pasta sauce mixtures;
  • Seasoning sauces such as ketchup and barbeque sauces;
  • Conserved fruit;
  • Pancakes syrup;
  • Candy;
  • Flavored Yogurt;

Side Effects HFCS Has on Your Health:

  • High blood pressure;
  • May further lead to severe kidney affections;
  • Toxic impact on the colon;
  • Aggravates the condition of people suffering from cancer;
  • May lead to the stagnation of brain neurons;
  • Reduces the nutrients absorption;
  • Obesity and overeating disorders;
  • Complicates cardiac anomalies, notably if the person suffers from cooper insufficiency;
  • It nourishes cells affected by cancer, in this way preventing the treatment from working properly;
  • It hinders the proper absorption of insulin in the treatment of diabetes;
  • It harms the right functioning of your metabolism as a result of the growth of uric acid levels.

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