Purple, Red and Dark Blue Aliments Protect You from Cancer, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Diseases

The color of the fruits and vegetables we eat can indicate the amazing benefits they embody. For instance, dark-colored aliments – red, violet, blue – are rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-aging agents.

dark-colored foods

Purple, red, dark blue fruits, and vegetables are an excellent source of antioxidant compounds that aim at protecting and healing the cells in our bodies. The darker the color pigment to the fruit or vegetable, the higher the concentration of anthocyanins. Research indicates that these antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining our heart health and in combating cancerous infections as well.

The healthiest dark-pigmented aliments

Dr. James Joseph, a neurologist at the Health Nutrition and Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, indicates that if he were to choose to eat aliments of a single color, he would choose violet. He also wrote a book entitled “The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan For Optimum Health.”

  • Grapes

Dark-colored grapes are the healthiest because they contain high levels of resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant is found in the peels of the grapes. It is also present in other violet-colored fruits and vegetables.

Red wine is the richest alimentary source of resveratrol. Studies indicate that this antioxidant aims at relaxing the arterial walls while decreasing blood pressure and supporting a healthy blood circulation. At the same time, this antioxidant significantly diminishes high cholesterol and inflammations while controlling our blood sugar. Additionally, this antioxidant is believed to be utterly effective in fighting cancer.

  • Plums

Plums are an excellent source of vitamin C, K, copper, fiber, and potassium. These fruits are amazing due to their unique and high concentration of phenols phytonutrients. These antioxidant compounds encompass protective properties for our brain cells and blood vessels as they efficiently combat harmful free radicals.

Eating plums has been associated with blood sugar regulation, cholesterol decrease, blood pressure reduction, weight loss, healthy digestion and prevention of cardiovascular accidents.

  • Red Cabbage

Although its name indicates that it’s red-colored, this cabbage is violet. It is richer in antioxidant compounds than white cabbage. It embodies 36 distinct antioxidants; at least 6 of them present anti-cancer properties. Additionally, red cabbage contains at least 6-8 times the amount of vitamin C concentrated in white cabbage.

  • Beet

Beetroot is amazing due to its richness in diverse antioxidant compounds. Besides being an excellent source of beta-carotene, beet is loaded with manganese, vitamin C, and betaine. These antioxidants are beneficial in maintaining the health of the nervous tissues, and cardiovascular system. Beet also incorporates anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, detoxifying and anti-cancer properties.

Other fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants are red onion, eggplant, berries, pomegranates, and purple olives.

All cruciferous vegetables have been scientifically proven to embody anti-cancer properties.

Purple, indigo, violet, dark blue, red or black ailments can be considered effective medicines that fight against cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, premature aging and cardiovascular diseases. Also, these fruits and vegetables have been proven to encompass anti-bacterial properties.

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