Low-Carb Vegetables for Your Diet

If you consume them in moderation, carbohydrates can be extremely crucial for your health, as they provide energy for your organism and maintain a proper diet. Still, a high carb intake can lead to serious health problems and will also “help” you gain extra weight. This is the reason why you should reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and for this you need to know what products you’re allowed to consume. Vegetables might seem like a good option, but you should know that not all of them are low in carbohydrates. In order to help you, we have prepared a list of low carb vegetables.

Low-Carb Vegetables for Your Diet


Not only are the tomatoes low-carb, but they are also low-calorie. A cup of tomatoes contains only 32 calories. These red and juicy fruits are also filled with fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin A. The lycopene in the tomatoes is a useful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage and can reduce the risks of developing heart disease and prostate cancer. Tomatoes can be consumed cooked or raw in order to benefit from their properties.


A cup of asparagus contains only 5 g of carbohydrates and 27 calories and it is indeed one of the best low-carb choices. These vegetables are also packed with vitamin K and vitamin A. Always buy bunches that have compact heads and green stalks. Moreover, remember that before eating and preparing the asparagus, you must remove the whitish ends.


Broccoli has few carbohydrates and it is also packed with vitamins D, C and A. Moreover, this green vegetable contains iron and fiber. Go for the broccoli with a dark green color and consume it immediately after you’ve purchased it because it does not keep well.


This veggie is rich in vitamin C and, of course, it has low carb content. A cauliflower serving will offer you 50% of your daily vitamin C requirement. This vegetable can be eaten cooked or raw and the best way to serve it is by roasting or steaming it.


This vegetable is low in calories and carbohydrates and it also contains vitamin B6, antioxidants, manganese, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. When you go to the market to buy cabbage, try to choose the firm ones with the shiny leaves. In order to keep them fresh for a longer period of time, you must refrigerate them.


Cucumber has 5 g of carbohydrates per cup and it is also rich in vitamin C, potassium and vitamin K. As a result, cucumbers are great in salads or as a simple snack. So, you can eat them by themselves or include them in your daily sandwich to benefit from their nutrients and properties.


This leafy green vegetable has few calories and it also contains iron, vitamin K, foliates and beta carotene. This veggie is also great for diabetics. Try to stay away from the canned products and only buy it frozen or fresh. Spinach can be included in omelets, salads and many other recipes.

Other vegetables that are low in carbohydrates are celery, peppers, pumpkin, radishes, zucchini and herbs like sage, rosemary, basil and thyme.

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