Foods that Will Treat Your Chronic Pain

The chronic pain is defined as muscle or nerve pain that occurs mostly in the head, the back, the knees, the pelvis and the shoulders. The chronic pain is caused by inflammation and the most common symptoms are sleep disturbances, fatigue and tissue and muscle pain. In order to reduce the chronic pain, you can take medication or perform special exercises. Your diet is also very important in preventing and treating the chronic pain. Thus, there are various foods that can block the pain signals and reduce the inflammation.

Foods that Will Treat Your Chronic Pain


This kitchen ingredient is rich in curcumin, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties that combats the pain. The turmeric is also effective in protecting against joint inflammation and tissue destruction. Finally, it makes the nerve cells function better. Mix warm milk with turmeric powder and drink one glass of this solution per day. You can also choose to take turmeric capsules.


Another ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties is the garlic. Its antibiotic effects will also alleviate the chronic pain. The garlic reduces the pain and swelling in the body and boosts the immunity. Chew a couple of garlic cloves in the morning until you notice the improvement. The garlic oil is also effective when applied directly on the affected area.

Olive Oil

Instead of using ibuprofen or aspirin, you can make use of olive oil because it has the same effects. Olive oil contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that reduce the pain. This product can also diminish the joint inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Consume olive oil on a regular basis so as to enhance your vitality and physical functionality.


This is a natural painkiller. It is rich in gingerols, an anti-inflammatory substance that reduces the inflammation and, as a result, it reduces the pain. Because of its analgesic properties, it has been compared with the ibuprofen or the aspirin. You can reduce the pain and the inflammation by chewing raw ginger. The ginger tea is also effective. Drink up to 3 cups of this tea on a daily basis.


Another healthy ingredient found in every kitchen is the onion. This vegetable has anti-inflammatory effects thanks to the antioxidants it contains. The quercetin in the onions can also prevent cancer, reduce the heart disease and diminish the high cholesterol levels. Use onions in your dishes and salads.


These fruits are not only delicious and juicy, but they are also helpful in lowering the CRP (C-reactive protein) in the blood that causes the inflammation. A high CRP level can also trigger conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and heart disease. The vitamin C in the strawberries is also effective in reducing the pain. Consume both frozen or fresh strawberries and add them to your desserts, yogurts or cereals.

Hot Peppers

You may not like hot peppers, but the capsaicin in them stimulates the natural opiates of the body and reduces the chronic pain. Moreover, due to the capsaicin, the transmission of pain signals is blocked and the body will no longer feel the pain. Take hot pepper powder (1/2 teaspoon) on a daily basis to get rid of the chronic pain.

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