New Study Highlights that Reading Boosts Life Expectancy

Many studies conducted throughout the years have outlined that reading is linked to numerous health benefits of physical, intellectual and mental nature. Nonetheless, according to a new survey, people who spent 30 minutes a day reading were found to increase their life expectancy with two years, in comparison with those who didn’t.

In the meantime, research indicates that reading on a regular basis enhances people’s social skills since this habit improves one’s ability to comprehend and read other people’s feelings.

What is more, renowned researchers at the University of Sussex based in the UK established that reading is an excellent way of overcoming stress. In comparison with other habits such as going for a walk, having a cup of tea or listening to music, reading delivers the best results.

Since reading is known to keep the primary alert and sharp, it can imminently diminish mental decline by 32 percent. In this way, it is believed that this habit can deter Alzheimer’s disease which has become overly common.

Did we manage to convince you yet, or you need more convincing? Don’t worry; more evidence is coming; a study published in 1993 informed us that reading expands your vocabulary and more knowledge while boosting your intelligence.

What does the new study say about reading?

This new survey was developed by top researchers from Yale University. It involved 3,635 people aged above 50 years old. The study participants were separated into three distinct groups. The ones in the first group didn’t read at all, the ones in the second one read 30 minutes a day, while the people in the third group read approximatively 3.5 hours per week.

The participants that read the most were mostly highly-educated women whose incomes were high.

The researchers concluded that bookworms tend to have a boosted survival advantage, over people who aren’t that keen on reading.

According to the researchers, book readers tend to live appreciatively two years longer as opposed to non-readers.

In the same respect, the people from the last category, who read the most, were 17 percent less likely to die over the lifespan of the study – namely 12 years. This information is presented in contrast with people who didn’t read at all. Elements such as race, depression, employment, self-reported health, marital status, and age were also considered in the equation.

What is more, as opposed to those who didn’t embrace this habit, those that were keen on reading and spent approximatively 3.5 hours per week doing it were less likely to die overall by 23 percent.

A similar association was established in the case of individuals, who read periodicals and newspapers; nonetheless, the association was of a weaker nature.

In the meantime, regular newspaper readers added 23 months to their life expectancy.

The senior author of this study, namely Becca R. Levy outlined that people spend as little as half an hour reading presented a notable advantage over those who didn’t read at all. You can find this study here.

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