Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids
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What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins located in and around the lower part of the rectum and the anus.
The inflammation is caused by that an increase in pressure within these veins. At the beginning, this causes a dull throbbing pain but the pain can quickly turn into a severe ache, irritation, discomfort and even bleeding.
There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoid affects the soft tissues of the anal canal and it is normally caused by too much pressure on the internal veins.
A bright red color on the toilet tissue just used after a bowel movement or blood drips from the anus into the toilet bowl is a definitive sign of internal hemorrhoids. Once the hemorrhoidal veins stretch and bulge out of the anus they become prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids can only become painful when the clots block blood flow in the inflamed veins.
External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, results when the external veins around the anus become swollen. These swollen veins can also easily bleed, either from straining or rubbing. This type of hemorrhoids may cause irritation and itching in the rectal area.
External hemorrhoids can also be prolapsed and blood clots can also formed in the affected veins. The blockage of veins by blood clots is referred to as thrombosis.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids may look frightening, but they are easily treated with natural remedies.
The most common signs of hemorrhoids include are listed in the table below.
Causes of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be caused by a number of factors. For example, a congested liver can cause hemorrhoids. This happens because veins from the small and large intestines, the pancreas and the anal region are all channeled into the liver.
If blood circulation through the liver is backed up due to liver congestion, the blood coming from the intestines will flow to the rectal and anal area. This causes a back pressure in the veins surrounding the rectum, causing them to bulge and therefore resulting in hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids can also occur due to chronic constipation, straining during bowel movement, aging, and poor fiber intake. In pregnant women, it mostly occurs due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the major veins.
Whatever the cause may be, hemorrhoids is treatable and the following natural remedies are some of the most effective ways of treating hemorrhoids in alternative medicine.
Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has emollient, demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties, all of which makes it the perfect plant for treating hemorrhoids. With these properties, it soothes and relaxes the inflamed veins while reducing their sizes.
As a natural astringent, Aloe vera shrinks hemorrhoids and speeds up its healing.
Anthraquinone, a chemical compound found in Aloe vera tightens the walls of the digestive tract and encourages the softening of the contents of the intestines. This makes it easier to move feces thus reducing the strain on hemorrhoids.
In a study published in 2008 in the Indian Journal of Dermatology,Aloe vera was also found to contain bradykinase, an enzyme that can reduce irritation when applied topically.
2. Psyllium
Psyllium is extracted from the crushed seeds of the Plantago ovataplant. It is commonly used in traditional medicine to treat people suffering from digestive tract problems such as hemorrhoids and constipation.
It contains dietary fiber and phytochemicals like alkaloids, flavonoids, amino acids, proteins, oils, tannins, and a variety of sugars and carbohydrates.
Due to its high fiber content, it makes stool softer and in this way relieves constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal disorders. When psyllium husk comes in contact with water it swells and forms a laxative that helps to stimulate the transport of waste materials through the intestinal tract.
Psyllium also encourages the growth of friendly and harmless intestinal bacteria such as Lactobacillusacidophilous and bifidobacteria, which help in regulating bowel movements.
It is an excellent intestinal cleanser and a detoxification agent because it speeds up the removal of waste through the digestive system, thus reducing the amount of time toxins spend in the body. This helps in reducing the risk of having various diseases like cancer.
To take psyllium for hemorrhoids, mix one teaspoon of psyllium seeds with a glass of warm water. This should be done three times daily and taken with meals for about 2 – 3 weeks.
However, psyllium should be taken with a large amount of water since it absorbs fluids in the intestine. Doing this will prevent constipation.
3. Butcher’s Broom
Butcher’s Broom, also known as Ruscus aculeatus, has been used for centuries to cure hemorrhoids.
It is notably rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as rutin. Other phytochemicals found in the plant include a group of saponin glycosides called ruscogenins. Ruscogenins have anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, butcher’s broom can prevent fluid retention, strengthen capillary walls, tighten veins and enhance blood flow. All of these effects contribute to the shrinking of hemorrhoids.
Butcher’ broom herbal extract can be applied directly on hemorrhoids.
Alternatively, an herbal tea can be made from its leaves. This tea is prepared by steeping one teaspoon of butcher’s broom in hot water for about 10 to 15 minutes. The tea should be taken 2 to 3 times daily for a quick recovery.
There are no significant side effects associated with butcher’s broom, but nausea may occur.
Due to its anti-platelet effects, this herb should not be combined with anticoagulants such as warfarin. The combination increases the risk of bleeding. In addition, those placed on MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) should avoid butcher’s broom because the tyramine in the herb can interact with MAOIs to increase blood pressure.
4. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut extract is a common natural remedy for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The extract is taken from the seeds of the horse chestnut plant, Aesculus hippocastanum.
Horse chestnut seeds contain a significant amount of the toxic triterpene saponin known as aesculin.
Therefore, only the commercially prepared horse chestnut seed extracts that have had this compound removed should be used to treat hemorrhoids.
The seeds of the horse chestnut contain a saponin called aescin. This chemical has an astringent property that helps to firm up veins. Aescin is also responsible for the anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties of horse chestnut.
Horse chestnut has also been shown to support capillary blood circulation.
For treating hemorrhoids, horse chestnut can be taken as a tea or applied topically to hemorrhoids with cotton balls.
In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 80 people with symptomatic hemorrhoids, a horse chestnut product containing 40 mg of aescin was given to the participants 3 times daily. The results of the study showed that the use of horse chestnut produced noticeable improvements in pain, swelling and bleeding within a week; within 2 weeks, its efficacy was visible by visual examination.
5. Garlic
Garlic also known as Allium sativum, is a common natural remedy for hemorrhoids and digestive disorders.
It contains amino acids, minerals and enzymes such as allinase, peroxidases and myrosinase. Garlic is especially rich in sulfur.
This plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent and detoxifying properties. This properties make it an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids.
Garlic contains an amino acid derivative called alliin, which has no medicinal property and is in fact odorless. But when garlic is crushed, alliin is converted to allicin by the enzyme, allinase.
Allicin is responsible for the smell of fresh garlic and it is also a potent antibacterial agent. In addition, it is also a strong antioxidant can mop up harmful free radicals from the body.
Garlic improves blood circulation, destroys various intestinal bacteria and protects the blood vessels.
When garlic is applied to hemorrhoids it reduces inflammation and kills any harmful bacteria. These actions reduce irritation and pain as well as keep the hemorrhoids uninfected.
To treat hemorrhoids, garlic can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids, and it can also be eaten raw or cooked.
6. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is the herb extracted from the bark and leaves of the North American witch hazel shrub, Hamamelis virginiana. It contains phytochemicals such as tannin, gallic acid, catechins, proanthocyanins, saponins and choline.
It is a natural astringent that can be used to treat external hemorrhoids. Its high tannin content also makes it a very powerful antioxidant. These properties are useful for reducing the inflammation, pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids.
Witch hazel heals and shrinks hemorrhoids without causing the skin to shrivel or crack. It is especially excellent for treating bleeding hemorrhoids.
Witch hazel extract is prepared by grinding the leaves and the bark of the witch hazel plant, sieving the combination and then mixing with water.
It should be applied topically by dipping a cotton wool in the prepared mixture and then placing it on the affected area for about three minutes after bowel movements. This should be done twice daily for 2 – 3 days to eliminate hemorrhoids.
In the United States, witch hazel is approved as a non-prescription drug for use as a topical pain reliever and as a rectal ointment for treating hemorrhoids.
7. Stone Root
Stone root also known as Collinsonia canadensis. This perennial herb works for hemorrhoids by reducing the pressure in the engorged veins. This effect decreases the inflammation of hemorrhoids and prevents varicose veins.
This herb is also known for its diuretic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, astringent, tonic and sedative properties. Its astringent and antioxidant properties are useful for protecting and strengthening the linings of the intestines as well as the walls of veins.
The root and leaf extracts of stone root can be applied directly to hemorrhoids. It is especially effective for treating bleeding hemorrhoids.
8. White Oak Bark
White oak bark, as the name suggests comes from the bark of the white oak plant also known as Quercus alba.
It has a strong astringent property that is useful for treating both internal and external hemorrhoids.
Other useful properties of white oak bark include its antiseptic, tonic and hemostatic properties which make the herb effective for treating bleeding hemorrhoids.
The high content of calcium and tannin of the bark can strengthen the capillaries of the intestines and keeping the soft tissues of the rectum firm.
In addition, white oak bark extract has a cleansing effect on swollen and sore mucosal surfaces, making it effective for relieving any itch and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.
The white oak bark is usually boiled or steamed to produce liquid extracts that can be applied topically on the affected anal area or taken as an herbal tea to cure hemorrhoids.
In addition to the above, goat milk and vegetable juice is also very effective in treating hemorrhoids as well.
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