Lowering Cholesterol with Vinegar

Although doctors are determined to get cholesterol down in order to lower the risk of a heart attack, some people don’t like the idea of taking a statin-type cholesterol-lowering medicine. They may have tried it and experienced side effects, or they may have heard from others that the side effects can be unpleasant.

As a consequence, people are often on the lookout for different ways of getting cholesterol under control. We are always pleased to hear about an approach that works as well as vinegar did .


There are two types of cholesterol. There is good cholesterol, or HDL, and there’s bad cholesterol, or LDL. You need both to be healthy, but it’s vital that you have higher HDL, because it helps to keep your LDL in check and prevents heart disease. Maintaining a healthy diet and taking cholesterol medication is the common course of treatment for those with high LDL cholesterol.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apples, and it’s been used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments over the centuries. According to Earl Mindell, author of “Dr. Earl Mindell’s Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar,” diluting vinegar in water can improve digestion, blood sugar regulation, and may promote weight loss. It can also be applied topically to treat rashes and fungi.


Incorporating Apple Cider Vinegar Into Your Diet to Lower Cholesterol

Drink two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar or make a tonic to drink as you would any other beverage. Two or three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can be combined with a tablespoon of honey, mixed well, and topped off with spring water, sparkling water, lemonade, or any juice. In May 2005 the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science determined that two-three tablespoons per day will maximize the cholesterol lowering benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar can be used in cooking as you would use any other vinegar. The taste is different but usually negligible as a substitute for white vinegar. You can make salad dressings, marinades, and sauces. Apple cider vinegar is excellent as a meat tenderizer, to increase fluffiness of cooked rice, and to prevent pasta from sticking. Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a salt substitute when steaming fish or vegetables. You can, of course, use apple cider vinegar for pickling, once of the most common uses for any vinegar.

If you simply do not like the taste of apple cider vinegar you can take it as a supplement and still reap the benefits. The greatest benefits will be in the liquid form that has not been pasteurized, and if you are going to take apple cider vinegar in tablet form be sure to buy one from a reputable manufacturer to ensure to efficacy and integrity of the acetic acid and pectin which are the cholesterol lowering compounds.

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