Horse Chestnuts – Miraculous Remedy for Multiple Diseases
Horse chestnuts are great for decorations, but what not many people know is that they are also incredibly beneficial for the health. Very few of us are aware of the fact that these chestnuts are most of the time wasted, when they could be easily used to treat various diseases. When peeled, dried and grounded, these natural products have numerous health benefits: anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, edematous, decongestant, astringent, anticoagulant and venous exudative properties.
Horse chestnuts are beneficial in treating various health conditions such as varicose veins, wounds, arthritis, heart diseases, digestive disorders and many other diseases that will be mentioned below.
Horse Chestnuts – Properties
Chestnuts are rich in vitamins C, A and B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, fluorine, lecithin and copper. For therapuetic purposes, you can use both horse chestnuts and edible chestnuts. The medicinal value of the chestnut is given by its composition that is very similar to that of wheat. It contains protide, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and has a high caloric value – 100 grams of fruit contains 200 calories. Chestnuts can be maintained fresh for a longer period of time, but first they must be maintained in a container with cold water for 24 hours right after they have been harvested. After that, they must be kept in wooden boxes, in layers covered by dry sand.
Horse chestnuts are used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, to speed up the healing of the wounds, to cure joint and muscular pains, tendon problems, cramps, rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, pins, rashes and nervous system diseases as it has a powerful soothing effect. Horse chestnuts are often used as ingredients for face and hair masks, because they leave the hair glossy and healthy and the skin smooth. They have hydrating properties.
How to Use the Horse Chestnut Tincture?
To treat thrombosis and varicose veins, you must use the tincture prepared from 250 grams of horse chestnuts with their peel and 1 liter of 40% alcohol. Let this mixture soak for 14 days. Strain it in a dark colored bottle and consume 10 – 15 drops per day. You can also use the tincture externally. Apply it on hemorrhoids, varicose veins and phlebitis and rub gently for arthrosis in wrists and feet joints. The chestnut ointment is also beneficial in treating varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Use a cup of green chestnut leaves and let them soak for 24 hours in 100 ml of alcohol. Add 200 grams of melted butter and warm the mixture for 2 hours using bain-marie. Once it’s cold, melt it again so as to pour it in plastic or glass containers. Use this ointment to rub the affected areas.
Internally, you can also use chestnut juice that has previously been diluted with water (one part chestnut juice and two parts water). Use the chestnut bark to prepare an elixir that will be helpful for your kidney problems, stomach disorders and purulent wounds.
You can also use chestnut honey that has a powerful anti-bacterial effect, helps the immune system and acts as an astringent. It has a dark color and a bitter taste. The chestnut tincture is also helpful for those who suffer from joint diseases, muscle and tendon pains.