How to Detect Juvenile Diabetes from its Early Stages
Commonly known as Type 1 Diabetes, juvenile diabetes is a condition that is linked with elevated sugar levels in our blood. Research says that this condition attacks the immune system and causes damage to the cells responsible for releasing insulin, thus resulting in a decrease in insulin levels.
Juvenile diabetes makes itself known through various symptoms. Some of the most common that need to be paid attention to are listed below:
Symptoms for Juvenile Diabetes
- Urinating frequently
Those who suffer from juvenile diabetes tend to use the bathroom very frequently. Since sugar has diuretic properties, the increased levels of sugar in the urine will cause the individual to urinate frequently. This is believed to be the primary symptom in detecting this condition.
- Excessive thirst
Extreme thirst is also a symptom associated with type 1 diabetes. Due to the frequent urination, most of the water is rapidly eliminated from the body. The result of this is a state of mild dehydration. Thus, individuals that suffer from juvenile diabetes drink elevated amounts of water to replace the liquid that is being eliminated through urine.
- Blurry vision
This is also a symptom that is commonly associated with juvenile diabetes. High levels of blood sugar damage the optic nerve, leading to a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. If not detected and treated in time, this condition can even cause complete blindness.
- Fatigue
Due to the body’s inability to absorb the sugar provided by the food, the person suffering from type 1 diabetes suffers from extreme fatigue. The cause for this inability is the decreased levels of insulin found in the bloodstream.
- Weight loss
Wight loss is also common in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Regardless of the quantity of food that the individual consumes, juvenile diabetes does not allow for the absorption of glucose, which is why the person affected experiences weight loss. This symptom is also said to be a result of decreased energy, which causes the individual to lose a lot of weight because of the fact that the muscular tissue is reduced in both size and weight.
- Excessive hunger
Most of the people suffering from juvenile (type 1) diabetes seem to experience extreme hunger, no matter how much they eat. This condition is linked with low levels of insulin found in the bloodstream. As a result, due to the decrease in the insulin levels, the individual’s organs and muscles will be depleted of all energy. Thus, this leads to excessive hunger even if you had a rich meal not very long ago.
- Yeast infections
Yeast is a fungus that can be found in the body and that is suppressed by the healthy bacteria working to protect you. Since yeast thrives on sugar, it is clear that if the blood sugar levels are elevated, it will nurture the yeast which will cause it to grow. It is very important that you seek medical health if you suspect a yeast infection.
Do proper research when you plan to use any home remedies. Any advice given to you will be followed at your own risk, and you need to consult a doctor if the problem persists. Such issues should not be left to chance.
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