Bleeding During Menopause – Lady’s Mantle Natural Remedy
In its strict sense, menopause means definitive stopping of menstruation. In reality, the term has a broader sense, referring to both perimenopause and postmenopause symptoms. The stop of the menses and the date when the ovarian function ceases causing a range of unpleasant events are the first signs of menopause.

Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)
Usually, menopause occurs at 45-50 years, but it can happen anytime 5 to 7 or 10 years earlier or later. Physically, menopause starts with the cessation of production of eggs and hormone estrogen. Menopause is percieved by many women as a natural process, but due to pre-existing problems, such as stress, fatigue, illness already installed, this process creates enough trouble.
Irregular menstrual periods are often accompanied by very heavy bleeding, and prolonged bleeding can cause a marked weakness, possibly requiring emergency medical intervention to rebalance the situation.
Lady’s mantle – a powerful antihemoragic
Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) is by far one of the most popular herbs used and recommended for hemoragies. Without this plant, women affected by heavy bleending during menopause would stay long time in hospitals, because of serious hormonal problems. Some women may experience such an abundant bleeding that it produces a very strong anemia.
After repeated fainting caused by the posthaemorrhagic anemia followed by hospitalizations, Lady’s Mantle proved efficient in treating. The powder of this herb, taken in doses of 2-3 tablespoons shock per day cam stop uterine bleeding almost completely. Each time the bleeding occurs, a simple administration of Lady’s mantle power can magically stabilize the problem.
All women suffering from menopause onset strong bleeding or hypermenorea (abundant menstrual cycle) should learn more about this exceptional plant and exploit it for their own benefit.
Lady’s Mantle poweder can be obtained by grinding using an electric coffee grinder. One must use the flowering tops and the flowers of this herb. For a long term treatment, one may take 3-4 tsp per day. In case of strong bleeding it is recommended to increase the daily dose to 6 tsp per day, but no more than a few days in a row. Overdosage can cause unpleasant side effects.
Long term treatments or high doses of this herb can cause constipation and also may inhibit elimination processes overall. Therefore, breaks are recommended during lady’s mantle therapy, or natural purgatives, such as elderberry tincture of castor oil every 2-3 days.