Treatment for Menopausal Weight Gain

Weight gain during menopause I tell you is one of the most frustrating sign that you are about to have menopause. Women ages 45-55 are suffering from menopausal weight gain. This menopausal sign is very disappointing for these women as it is natural for them to be conscious on their appearances. And, weight is a great factor in the subject of appearance.

Treatment for Menopausal Weight Gain

Treatment for Menopausal Weight Gain

Since menopause is part of the aging process of women, thus it would be not easy too easy to manage this problem. However, with great determination, self-discipline, patience, and perseverance, it would not be possible to manage or treat menopausal weight gain, and even to prevent it from worsening.

Because we all know one fact for sure that prevention is better than curing. Fix the problem before it gets out of hand.

Treatments for menopausal weight gain

1. Avoid Stress

Stress is the number one contributing factor of weight gain, most especially for middle-age women. In this stage of life, women are usually in pre-menopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal, and during these periods a lot of changes women normally undergo. Changes include hormonal imbalances.

Due to fluctuations in hormonal levels, they easily experience changes of mood or mood swings that is why they are prone to stress. When they are stress, there cortisol levels tend to increases. High levels of cortisol hormones stimulate craving, thus women usually crave more foods frequently in time of stress.

2. Eat Balance Diet

Balance diet means eating of nutritious foods in proper amount and frequency. The body should not be deprived of food, because it will just cause stress. More stressful periods result to more food craving that is why weight tends to increase. Therefore, menopausal women should not skip meals. In fact, a good diet regimen is small frequent feedings of highly nutritious foods.

3. Regular Exercises

Exercises and workouts strengthen body. These are physical activities are truly needed for aging women in order to maintain proper weight, endurance and stamina, as well as healthy state mind. Exercising regularly improves the body’s cardiovascular functions, and maintains healthy blood flow. For menopausal women, cardio exercises or aerobics are great, because these activities are not strenuous for the body, yet it enhances proper oxygenation process. Physical activities also promote burning of calories, thus these activities aid in losing weight.

All of these are safe treatments of menopausal weight gain, and these are considered the primary management of weight gain. There are indeed lots of alternative treatments and management to lose weight. But, before engaging to these treatments always ensure your safety first. Be careful in taking any weight loss treatments, and know first their side effects before taking them.

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