Perimenopause Diet for Weight Loss: Tips and Tricks

During premenopause and after menopause, women should seek more comfort for their symptoms in the daily diet. It is essential for women to include a wider range of nutrients in thier diet /perimenopause diet , especially calcium and iron (women’s diets are generally low in these elements). Here are some tips to have a healthy diet:

• The intake of Calcium

It is recommended to consume at least 2-4 types of dairy products or foods with high calcium content. Calcium is found in abundance in dairy products, fish and fish bones (sardines, salmon), broccoli and other vegetables.

Menopause Diet for Weight Loss

• Increase the Iron dose

It is recommended to consume at least 3 servings / day of foods rich in iron. The best sources of iron include red meat, fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts and cereals fortified with iron.

• Provide sufficient vegetable fibers

Daily fiber intake varies between 20-30 grams / day. To enrich you diet with iron you can increase the consumption of whole grains, pasta, rice, raw fruits and vegetables.

• Fruits and water

Consume least 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables per day. The specialists’ recommendations also include drinking at least 6 glasses of water to compensate for losses and to properly hydrate the body during the perimenopause, premenopause and menopause period.

• Cut on fat intake

Doctors recommend that a balanced diet needs to be composed of 55% carbohydrates, 25% protein, fat below 30% (of which cholesterol below 300 mg / day and saturated fat). Saturated fats are those founds in animal products that cause high cholesterol and heart diseases: fatty meats (especially pork), whole milk and cheese.

• Moderate consumption of sugar and salt

Salt-rich diets are invariably associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension pressure. A normal diet contains no more than 6 grams of sodium per day. You also need to pay attention to smoked or fried products.

• Drinking

In women experiencing premenopause and menopause, the alcohol should be reduced to 1-2 cups / day.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a normal weight has a number of benefits both for aesthetic and health. Nutritionists and dieticians recommend keeping an optimal weight by reducing fat and sweets and not by drastic dietary restrictions such as completely deleting some meals of your diet. It is recommended to consult a specialist if you wish to develop a correct and safe weight loss diet.

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