Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women

Menopause is part of the natural process of aging women, which can be supported by Hormone Replace Therapy (HRT). This therapy aims to replace the hormones that are lost and those that decline during menopausal stage.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women

Menopause causes and symptoms

Women usually undergo menopausal stage in the middle-age part of their lives, approximately 45-55 years of age. Menopause is neither a disorder nor a disease; it is a condition where menstrual period stops for the rest of women’s lives. The best indication of menopause is the cessation of menstruation for a year or more. When women experienced this period of cessation, they are considered to be menopausal women.

There are a lot of signs and symptoms associated with menopause. The very common among these signs and symptoms is mood disturbances. This symptom is characterized by mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, mental fatigue, and irritability. Disturbances in mood and affect are commonly seen in women who are in menopausal stage. The primary reason of these symptoms is the hormonal imbalances. Other symptoms in include urinary incontinence, physical fatigability, cognitive changes, hair loss, sleeping disturbances, palpitations, tooth loss, decrease in libido, vaginal dryness, and thinning of vaginal walls.

Not all of these symptoms can be experienced by menopausal women. Some women will not be able to experience some of these symptoms because they are physically and mentally fit, and they are consistently maintaining healthy lifestyle. However, most of the women can experience these menopausal symptoms, and could greatly affect their lives. These frustrating symptoms could change the lives of women, because these will disrupt their normal daily activities.

HRT solution for menopausal women

For women who find menopausal symptoms depressing, and would not want these symptoms to affect their lives, the best solution they can consider is HRT. Menopausal symptoms can be prevented and relieved by this therapy, and it can also prevent serious disorders that usually happen as women aged, such as osteoporosis, bowel syndrome, and weight gain. But, the therapy not only brings positive effects. HRT can increase the risk of having ovarian and breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and thrombosis.

HRT is composed of synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone (Progestin)

HRT is composed of synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone (Progestin). These two hormones are responsible in ovulation, menstruation, and preparing uterus for egg cell implantation or pregnancy. Estrogen and Progesterone declines during menstrual phase, thus women will no longer experience menstrual periods. These hormone imbalances caused the many symptoms of menopause. The HRT will replace these hormones in order to prevent and eliminate menopausal symptoms.

There are two types of HRT –Estrogen Therapy and Progesterone/Progestin-Estrogen Hormone Therapy. The Estrogen Therapy gives only Estrogen to women, while the latter gives both Estrogen and Progesterone. Estrogen Therapy is not advisable to take for a long period of time as it can increase risk of cancers. Progesterone-Estrogen Hormone Therapy is a lot better than Estrogen Therapy, because it promotes balance of Estrogen and Progesterone, which could minimally increases risk for cancers. However, to ensure safety, better take Hormonal Replacement Therapy in a short period of time, and always consult physicians first before taking this treatment option.

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