Rosemary Tea – A Powerful Remedy for Rheumatism

Rosemary is a tree from the Lamiacee family that grows in the Mediterranean area, especially on calcareous soils, but it can also be grown in the gardens. Rosemary has numerous uses being a condiment, a nectareous plant (rosemary honey is extremely appreciated) and also a plant used in the perfumes’ industry. In Latin, its name means “sea dew” and has been used a remedy since the ancient times thanks to its medicinal properties that we’re going to present below.

Rosemary Tea – A Powerful Remedy for Rheumatism

Rosemary Properties

Rosemary is known for its capacity to improve the digestion functions and ease the gallbladder functions. It is a cholagogue, stimulating the evacuation of the bile. It is also antispasmodic and is stimulating for the nervous system, being used in the treatment of various cases of asthenia. It’s also used to treat different ENT infections. It calms the cough and treats bronchitis.

Externally, it’s used to reduce the rheumatic pains or to treat the problems related to the peripheral blood circulation. Apply it as poultices or creams and gels that include up to 10% rosemary essential oil. By adding rosemary oil in the bath water, you will be able to combat rheumatism or fatigue.

How to Use Rosemary

The leaves and inflorescences are the ones that offer the rosemary these amazing healing properties. The simplest way to use rosemary is as infusion or decoction. In this case, its digestive properties make wonders. For long-term treatments you can use rosemary capsules.

Rosemary Oil

This can be used for massage, bath or you can take it internally as drops. The rosemary oil is not recommended for pregnant women, kids or those who are sensitive to this plant.

Rosemary Tea

Rosemary tea will accelerate the intestinal transit, strengthen the weak organism, slow down the aging process and energize the body. This tea will also calm the upset stomach and help with the optimal function of the liver. Morever, rosemary tea will stimulate the bowel movement and it’s very helpful when you’re on a diet. Boil for about 1 minute 20 grams of leaves in 250 ml of water. Serve 2 or 3 small cups of tea per day.

Main Usage for Rosemary Tea

Internally, you can use it for dyspepsia, fatigue, rheumatism,physical and intellectual fatigue, bloating, body toning, gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney disorders, anorexia and abdominal cramps.

Externally, rosemary tea can be applied as poultices or compresses and it’s great for the rheumatism and for the body comfort.

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