How to Reduce Inflammation Using a Cabbage Compress
Cabbage is a vegetable that is highly appreciated by lots of people. We know about the effects it has on our health, and the female population loves it especially for its high nutritional but low-calorie properties. Cabbage is proven to be beneficial for the organism, seeing that it is very rich in vitamin K, C, and even potassium. So, we can say that cabbage is something that needs to be included in our daily menu. And that is not all! Cabbage helps in the fight against cancer, and it even has some amazing anti-inflammatory effects. Not to mention that it has a wonderful taste when cooked properly. But did you know that cabbage can be even more beneficial than you thought?
We mentioned that cabbage has high anti-inflammatory powers. Cabbage leaves have been used in treating bruised skin and swelling for ages. Cabbage is full of vitamins, phytonutrients, glutamine, anthocyanins and other elements that fight against cancer and also relieve joint pain. Even athletes use it to treat their injuries caused during their activities. This ingredient even shows impressive results in curing arthritis, and many patients use it for treatment instead of using drug-store medicine.
How It’s Made
So, what is the ‘recipe’ for this wonder-wrap? It’s actually very easy to do. You’ll just need a few items:
- An oven
- Cabbage
- Aluminum foil
- A rolling pin or a meat hammer
- Some bandage or gauze
Now that we have the ingredients, what’s next?
- You procure a large (red) cabbage, preferably organic
- You take away leaf after leaf and wash them thoroughly
- You remove the large stem and dry the leaves
- You bruise the leaf with the rolling pin to remove any excess juice
- You wrap the leaves in the aluminum foil and place them in the oven for a few minutes until they get slightly warm.
- You place the cabbage over the injury and cover it carefully with the bandage.
- You keep it there for about an hour repeat the process 2 or 3 times.
Tip: If you want a cold compress instead of a hot one, just place the cabbage in the refrigerator for a few minutes and skip the 5th step.
White cabbage has healing properties, but for the best results, it is best that you use red cabbage. It’s rich in anthocyanins, which are known to be the best when it comes to relieving joint pain and reduce inflammation. Cabbage juice has also shown impressive results in healing ulcers.
As great as cabbage seems to be, there are also rare cases where allergies appear. If you suddenly notice that the swelling is only getting worse or that the area starts to itch, remove the cabbage at once! If the swelling continues, it is best to consult a doctor.
On the other hand, if there are no problems with that, just enjoy your natural alternative to a medical problem, without having to use actual medicine from the drugstore!