How to Prepare a Soothing Baking Soda Lotion That Treats Rashes and Itches

If you like to spend time in nature, then you know how uncomfortable and annoying it is to be bitten by insects. If you want to treat your bites and rashes, you can use some soothing lotion. Also, you can use it to treat eczema, chicken pox, poison ivy and mosquito bites.


You can buy this kind of lotion from the stores, but you also have the option to make it at home. Besides, it saves you money.

Benefits of ingredients used in making this calamine lotion

  • Baking soda

When an insect bites you, it releases an acid into your organism that provokes itches and swellings. Many people have baking soda at home because it’s useful in the kitchen. But baking soda is efficient in easing the discomfort created by insect bites. Baking soda is alkaline. Therefore, it can counteract the acidity of the bites.

Moreover, you can use baking soda for your gums and teeth health. Baking soda has antibacterial properties and studies have shown that it can kill a bacteria called Streptococcus mutans, which is responsible for the deterioration of the teeth. Also, you can use baking soda to make your teeth whiter. All you have to do is blend ½ teaspoon of baking soda with a crushed strawberry. Put this mixture on your teeth and let it there for 5 minutes. Then wash your teeth. But remember to use this mixture only once a week because it can affect the enamel.

Additionally, if you want to make your own natural deodorant, mix baking soda with water and then apply this paste. If you have sunburns, put ½ cup of baking soda in your bathtub. Then fill it with warm water and take a relaxing bath.

  • Sea salt

Sea salt has the ability to remove the dead cells from the skin. Moreover, it can ease the pain caused by itchiness and inflammations.

  • Bentonite clay

Many dermatologic formulas have bentonite clay in their composition. Also, bentonite clay has shown good results in healing wounds. Bentonite can protect your body from the effects of urushiol, a dangerous substance found in poison oak or poison ivy. If you have touched poison ivy or another type of plant, use bentonite clay.

DIY Calamine lotion

You will need the following ingredients: sufficient water to prepare a paste, 15 drops of essential oils (tea tree, peppermint, and yarrow, chamomile, geranium or lavender oil), one tablespoon of bentonite clay, one tablespoon of sea salt, one tablespoon of baking soda.

How do you prepare it? First, mix all the dry ingredients in a recipient. Then, you can add the water slowly until you obtain a paste. After this, you pour the essential oils. Apply the final solution where you have itches or bites.

You can keep the homemade calamine lotion for 3-5 days in the fridge.

This calamine lotion is efficient, and it’s useful for everybody. Moreover, you can prepare it at home every time you need it.

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