Natural Remedies Based on Eggs
Used in traditional medicine since ancient times, eggs should not be missing from your kitchen.
Eggs are rich in protein, iron, vitamins A and B12, strengthening the immune system, preventing cardiovascular diseases and having beneficial effects on brain functions. They are also recommended in diets for people with weight issues, sportsmen and women that wish to become pregnant.
But eggs have external uses as well. Here are some recipes that are easy to make and which have shown great results for various medical conditions and illnesses.
Remedy for colds
Prepare a mixture of 2 raw eggs, 100 gr. butter (or lard) and two crushed garlic bulbs. Rub the mixture onto your feet, up to the knees, each evening before bedtime. After applying the ointment put a pair of woolen socks on your legs. Repeat the procedure for three days.
Abscesses and boils
Mix two egg yolks, one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of salt. Add flour until you get a dough consistency. Spread the paste on the boil or abscess and let it stay for two hours. Repeat the procedure for three days. Another method is to mix a teaspoon of honey, an egg yolk and a tablespoon of flour. The resulting dough is spread on the affected area and covered with a cloth. Repeat the procedure every three hours. If the boil is not healed the next day, repeat the treatment.
This hair mask is recommended to combat dandruff and to thicken your hair. Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of brandy and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the scalp, cover it with a towel and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with water. Repeat two times per week.
Pattern baldness
The recipe is recommended to prevent baldness and to promote hair regeneration. Take ten quail egg yolks and mix with two vials of royal jelly, one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of yeast. Let the mixture rise in a heated room, for 24 hours. Wash your hair, dry it and then apply the paste on the scalp and massage gently. Cover your hair with a clean towel and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse your hair with water or chamomile tea.
In a glass bowl mix five tablespoons of clean grease, one tablespoon of body cream for children, one tablespoon of honey and one egg white. Stir for 20 minutes with a fork or mix with an electric mixer until you get a solid ointment. Put it in a sealed jar and store it in the refrigerator. Rub the affected area with this paste two times a day, for about three months. In the first two months the effect is not observed, but then you will be able to see the skin regenerating.
Swollen joints
The mixture can be used to relieve pain in swollen joints. Mix 2 tablespoons of salt and one egg, and spread the paste on a small cotton towel. Wrap it around the swollen joints. As the mixture dries, reapply 3-4 times.
These simple yet efficient remedies offer good results, giving you an alternative to over-the-counter medicines that sometimes have unwanted effects.
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