Getting Rid of Hot Flashes with Home Remedies

Menopause is something that every woman has to go through, whether they like it or not. This moment in a woman’s life is associated with symptoms like night sweats or hot flashes that affect ¾ of the women. These hot flashes can continue for almost 5 years, depending on the intensity of the menopause. The feeling of internal intense heat is called a hot flash and you can feel it coming or it can appear out of the sudden. The hot flashes are also associated with sweating, tingling in the tip of the fingers, a red face and hot skin and a faster-beating heart. The exact causes for hot flashes are not exactly known, but the scientists believe that they’re triggered by the hormonal changes that take place during the menopause. There are natural remedies that can help you reduce or eliminate the hot flashes from your life. Check them out below.

Getting Rid of Hot Flashes with Home Remedies


Sage has been proven to be an excellent relief for hot flashes. It also helps with headaches and digestion and will eliminate the feeling of heat from your body. To get rid of the hot flashes, you must drink organic sage tea 2 or 3 times per day. You will find it at any grocery or healthy food store.


A couple of studies have demonstrated that ginseng can be helpful in offering relief from hot flashes, but more research needs to be conducted. However, ginseng is also helpful in treating other menopausal symptoms including sleep disturbances and various mood symptoms, so overall this plant is efficient for the women who are in menopause.

Flaxseed Oil

The menopausal symptoms, including the hot flashes, can be reduced with flaxseed oil thanks to the fatty acids it contains. At the same time, flax seeds contain lignans, compounds that act like estrogen. As a result, they are able to control and stabilize the estrogen levels during menopause and diminish the frequency of the annoying hot flashes.

Black Cohosh

This plant is used mainly in Europe and it has been proven effective in treating hot flashes and menopause. Various studies have revealed that Black Cohosh is similar to pharmaceutical estrogen and is able to prevent excessive sweating and hot flashes.

Evening Primrose Oil

This plant is essential for the reproductive health of the women, as it acts like a general tonic. At the same time, it controls the estrogen production and has a cooling effect for the body and the skin. Evening primrose oil is also an efficient sleep aid, because it contains prostaglandin and gamma linolenic acid.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Some studies have shown that vitamin C and its biolflavanoids are effective in diminishing the frequency and intensity of the hot flashes. As a result, the doctors recommend consuming foods rich in vitamin C during the menopause. Vitamin E and the antioxidants it contains have the same effects and can reduce the hot flashes. Thus, the menopausal women should also eat vitamin E – rich foods or take vitamin E supplements.

Other herbs and home remedies that can help you reduce hot flashes are: natural progesterone creams, homeopathic remedies, red clover and chickweed tincture.

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