Aloe Vera with Honey – An Effective Cure against Ulcer, Gastritis and Gastrointestinal Inflammation

Aloe Vera is mentioned by numerous authors as a plant that is effective in treating gastrointestinal problems. It has stimulating and tonic effects on the digestive system. It is indicated in the gastroduodenal ulcer, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea.

aloe vera and honey remedy

According to famous Scottish nutritionist Dr. Gillian McKeith, the remarkable healing effects of this plant are due to its detox powers. Aloe Vera is especially useful in eliminating intestinal toxins and cleaning the bowels.

A recent study, done on 30 individuals that presented moderate ulcerous colitis, showed that aloe vera gel administered orally lead to clinical improvement of symptoms and withdrawal of the condition. Participants received 100 ml of aloe gel every day, for a month.

Ways of use

Aloe vera gel can be consumed as it is, using 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day. It is taken before meals (on an empty stomach), but it can also be used with honey.

You can either buy the gel directly or easily prepare it at home. Here is how:

  • Slice off one or more mature leaves of aloe vera plant
  • Let them upside down until the resin drains out
  • Peel the leaves
  • Scoop the gel out
  • It is ready to use. If you are going to store it, mix it with natural preservatives.

A popular recipe involving aloe vera leaves and honey can help treat erosive gastritis and gastric burns. The aloe vera plant must be at least 5 years old in order for its leaves to be used therapeutically.

The leaves are placed in a freezer and then you can let them sit there for 3 days before being used in the recipe. Afterward, they are placed in a meat grinder. The honey is molten using the bain-marie method. When it starts boiling, the aloe pulp is added and the composition is mixed. It is then left to boil for 3 minutes, mixing constantly.

Keep the solution in a jar glass and place it in the refrigerator. It needs to be consumed in about 2 weeks at most. Consume 2 tablespoons, on an empty stomach, before each of your regular meals. The treatment is done for 3 weeks. If necessary, it can be restarted after a 1-week break. Freshly chopped aloe vera leaves can also be mixed with yogurt.

Another option would be to consume aloe vera juice, around 20-25 ml, 3 times a day. This helps treat gastritis and eliminate stomach pains, burns and bloating.


An aloe vera treatment should not be longer than 2 months. During the treatment, milk products and eggs are to be avoided. Large quantities of liquids (up to 2.5 liters per day) are recommended in order to help the body detoxify.

Individuals who suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women and those experiencing uterine bleeding should avoid aloe vera products.

It is recommended that you ask for medical advice before using this plant.

All in all, aloe vera’s massive popularity is for a good reason: its varied medical benefits have already been proven to be a reality, making it a miraculous plant that can benefit everyone.

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