Osteoporosis – Nutrition and Recipes

Osteoporosis is a disease affecting the skeletal system. It’s characterized by the deterioration of the bone tissue and the reduction of bone mass. It can occur at any age and it often appears at the wrist, back and hips.

Osteoporosis – Nutrition and Recipes

As we age, the process of bone mass reduction intensifies. Osteoporosis appears when the bones becomes extremely thin and fragile and they can break at any time. A simple slip on the ice or inside the home can lead to serious hip, pelvic, spine or hand fractures.

Diet for Osteoporosis

A proper diet plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis and reducing the risk of fractures and losing bone mass. Those who suffer from osteoporosis must avoid as much as possible the foods that lead to the elimination of the calcium from the body: coffee, Coke and other carbonated drinks, alcohol, meat, salty or sweet foods. Instead, they must consume dairy products, soy, fish, apples, olive oil, fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, flaxseed, nuts, almonds, peanuts, green tea and foods that contain calcium and vitamin D3.

Onion Soup

Wash 2 onions with apple cider vinegar. Peel them, but don’t throw away the skin. Cut the onions in slices and fry them in a little bit of oil until their turn golden. After that, pour 1 liter of water and add the onion peel and boil them for 15 – 20 minutes. After that, take the onion peels out and only use the liquid. This soup can be consumed daily for 1 month.

Food Rich in Calcium and Vitamin D3

The best foods are: milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, salmon, herring, tuna, sardines, green leafy vegetables, eggs, fish oil and liver. The daily recommended requirement of calcium is 1,000 mg. The daily recommended dose of vitamin D is 400 UI. To obtain these doses, you can consume one small bowl of broccoli mixed with cheese, one fruit salad with yogurt, cabbage salad, cooked beans, milk pudding, soy drinks, orange juice and cereals.

Anti-Osteoporosis Juice

There are numerous alternatives. You can mix pears with cabbage and lemon, carrots with apples, pears, celery, ginger and turmeric or orange juice with yogurt, banana and honey. You can drink one of these juices every day for breakfast.

Natural Calcium Recipe

Warm 5 liters of milk, then add 300 g of sour cream, 1 liter of buttermilk and 1 tablespoon of eggshell powder. When the mixture boils, turn off the heat and let it cool. You will obtain a cheese-like composition that you can consume as such.

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