Here Is What You Should Know About a Bland Diet

People with digestive or any other kind of gastrointestinal problems can find great benefits by turning to a bland diet. Being aware of what it includes is massively important, as it can be what makes the difference between a healthy body and a stressed one.


If the “bland” term worries you regarding the taste, you should be relieved to learn that tasty options come in abundance. Meat, eggs, bread, fish, a few dairy products, even desserts like fruits and ice cream can be easily consumed. As you can see, many of the foods you were already consuming are included. What you should avoid are spicy, fat or fried foods that put a lot of stress on your digestive system. Vegetables are also consumed steamed or boiled for the purpose.

Here are some of the best foods to eat on a bland diet:

  • Some types of grains

While whole grain products should be avoided during the bland diet, as they put more pressure on the digestive system, there are some baked products that can work quite well. These include white bread, bagels, and any other products cooked with white flour. White pasta and refined cereals work just as well.

  • Low-fat dairy products

Most low-fat dairy products can be consumed as a part of a bland diet. These include milk, yogurt, cheese and even ice cream. However, you should be aware of the state of your body and the reason why you need to follow a bland diet. Some cases may have worsened symptoms in the form of aggravated bloating, gas and diarrhea.

  • Meat and fish

Meat and fish represent an excellent source of protein that can provide excellent sources of energy for a bland diet when cooked the right way. Chicken, turkey, and beef should be boiled, steamed, roasted or baked – if there’s a pattern to be noticed here, it’s that you should avoid approaches that bring a lot of fat, such as frying. The same applies to fish. Besides the ones already mentioned, you can also consume pork, veal, eggs or lamb to incorporate rich sources of protein into your diet.

  • Some types of vegetables

There are no healthy diets without vegetables, and this is no exception. The rich amount of nutrients in them is essential to ensure the strength of your body. As mentioned, you should boil or steam the vegetables, rather than use them raw. The priority here is to help your digestive system be free of stress – for maximum preservation of the nutritional value, we recommend steaming. Here are some vegetables that do not put pressure on your gastrointestinal tract:

  • Potatoes
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Eggplant
  • Carrots
  • Various fruits

Much like vegetables, fruits come with an excellent nutritional value that is best used in a way other than their raw form. They are recommended to be used cooked, canned or juiced. Some of the best for the purpose are stewed apples, canned peaches or pears, citrus fruits, melons, and bananas.

These foods are not only delicious, but they can also make a big difference in the health of those with gastrointestinal problems. Building your diet around them can lead to a healthier life where you are full of energy.

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