Honey and Cinnamon – The Perfect Remedies

Honey and cinnamon – two marvelous ingredients with great benefits for the health. Here’s how to effectively combine them and enjoy their wonderful effect.

honey and cinnamon benefits

Honey is great for keeping under control the insulin and the level of the sugar in the blood and it is also more tolerable for diabetes than other sweeteners.

Cinnamon is also great for preventing and treating this condition and only ¼ tsp of cinnamon has the ability of stabilizing the level of the sugar in the blood.

A cup of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon will bring significant improvements to your health.

  • Allergies

Get rid of dust mites, the most common source of allergies in your house by using cinnamon. The cinnamon bark oil and the cinnamon leaf oil are extremely efficient in this area and they have zero toxicity, as compared to other chemicals used with the very same purpose.

  • Acne treatment

Packed with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, both honey and cinnamon can help fight skin problems. Honey is used for making the skin smoother and for preventing wrinkles, while the cinnamon kills the bacteria that are responsible for the appearance of acne.

Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tsp of cinnamon and apply it on the affected area for 20 minutes, at least.

  • Treating colds

Honey is known to be a natural cough suppressant for children and adults, while cinnamon bears a protection against the free radical damage. Prepare a tea using these 2 ingredients and a teaspoon before bedtime should bring a night of comfort for children and their parents as well.

  • Treating UTI

Cinnamon supplements will relieve any pain resulting for urinary tract infections and it will also reduce the amount of antibiotics that is to be used. Manuka honey can also be used, as it has strong antibacterial properties.

  • Digestion

Constipation, nausea or ulcers can all be cured using honey and cinnamon. Moreover, the latter has the potential of reducing E-coli infections and it can also keep under control the H. Pylori bacteria, the ones that cause peptic ulcers.

  • Treating Gingivitis

Inflammation is the main cause of this condition and both honey and cinnamon can successfully fight it. Combine these 2 ingredients in a miracle mixture and enjoy your new smile.

  • Clogged arteries

A study revealed that cinnamon oil can reduce the level of triglycerides by 30% and the cholesterol by 27%, which are the main causes that nurture the appearance of this condition.

  • Increasing energy

The best to increase your energy using these 2 ingredients is to add a teaspoon of honey to 8 ounces of water or to mix honey and cream cheese and use it as a vegetable dip for your next meal.

Honey has a multitude of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids, all of which are making it an energy booster.

  • Losing weight

Both honey and cinnamon can help you get rid of those extra pounds. For this purpose, you can use either Ceylon cinnamon, which comes from Sri Lanka, or Burma cinnamon, that grows in China or Vietnam. As to how much you should take in, a teaspoon per day is enough for you to get to enjoy all the properties they bring to the health.

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