Egg Yolk and Castor Oil for Hair – The Best Treatment Ever

Egg yolk is not a newly discovered treatment for hair issues, but an ancient cure. Castor oil is our second best recommendation for hair health. Both these remedies are cheap and easy to find. You can use them to make a super-powerful mask for hair loss and hair growth.

The simplest egg yolk hair treatment

Egg Yolk and Castor Oil for Hair – The Best Treatment Ever

Egg Yolk and Castor Oil for Hair – The Best Treatment Ever


• 2 egg yolks
• 2 tablespoons of water
• apple cider vinegar

One of the easiest ways to nourish your hair and make it feel and look healthier, is to beat 2 egg yolks and mix them with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply the solution on yout hair and let it sit for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water, wash with a regular shampoo and then rinse again with apple cider vinegar.

Egg yolk + Castor oil + Onion juice for hair loss

Mix one teaspoon of castor oil with the juice of an onion, a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk. Add a few teaspoons of shampoo to make a mask. Apply the paste on your scalp and gently massage it with your hands, spreading the mask on your hair. Cover your head with foil and a towel. Allow the mixture to penetrate the skin and hair for 2-3 hours, or overnight.

Egg yolk – the best protein for hair

Egg yolk stimulates hair growth due to its high protein content. An egg has no less than 4-7 grams of protein. Egg yolk masks help strengthen the hair and nourishes it profoundly. Egg yolk hair applications can be done long-term.

Castor oil fixes and hair issue

Castor oil is another popular traditional hair remedy. You can use it to fix a lot of hair issues, from dry and brittle hair to hair loss, split ends, dull hair, thin eyelashes and eyebrows, dandruff and dry scalp. Use castor oil on your hair 1-2 times a week. For best results, mix castor oil with egg yolk or honey, Vitamin A or E oil, or lemon juice.

1 comentariu

  1. I have done this and it definately work!!

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