Varicose Veins – Symptoms and Natural Treatment
According to recent statistics, almost 50% of adults in the entire world have vein related problems. One of the principal causes of developing varicosities is the increased pressure that veins have to bear due to prolonged standing or sitting, at work as well as at home.
Symptoms of varicose veins
Women are usually more concerned about varicosities, but men can develop them too and, what is even more important, varicose veins are not just an aesthetic concern. They can cause great discomfort, including severe pain, heavy feeling and swelling in the lower legs, and burning, throbbing and itching around one or more veins.
In most cases, varicosities do not cause any pain and, until the superficial veins become affected, they may develop without any visible signs or symptoms. Pain may occur for a brief time in the beginning, when the distension comes about at a faster pace, and goes off when the neighbouring tissues begin to adjust to the process and after the venous distension comes to a threshold.
Natural remedies for varicose veins
Horse chestnut. This remedy tonifies the veins and reduces the inflammation, thus relieving the pain, the swelling and the heavy feeling in the legs. These effects make it useful for treating not only varicose veins, but also other venous health problems, such as chronic venous insufficiency. Horse chestnut can be used either as a tincture or as an unguent. Tincture. Add 250 g of chestnuts in 1 l alcohol 40% and let the mixture macerate for 2 weeks before you sift it and put it in a dark coloured bottle. Take 10-15 drops in a glass of water, once a day. Balsam. Put 1 cup of green leaves in a jar and add 100 ml alcohol 70%. Let the mixture macerate for 24 hours and then add to it 200 g of melted butter or lard and boil it for 2 hours using a bain-marie. Let it cool off for 24 hours, then heat it again, sift it and put it in a plastic recipient.
Calendula. This remedy is well known for its general and local anti-inflammatory properties, being an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of all kinds of ailments. Calendula is definitely a must-have in every home. For varicose veins you will need calendula unguent, which can be bought at almost every pharmacy, natural shop or supermarket, but if you are looking for the real deal you should make it yourself, because the homemade remedy seems to be up to 10 times more efficient. So, how do you make it? Heat 500 g of lard using a bain-marie until it is fully melted and then add 2 handfuls of finely cut calendula flowers. Boil the mixture for a few minutes, let it cool off overnight, then heat it again the next morning, sift it and put it in a jar or a plastic recipient.
Comfrey. You can either apply the green leaves directly on the skin or make a tincture from the root (fill a jar with finely cut comfrey root, add alcohol 50% and let the mixture macerate for 2 weeks before you sift it) and apply it a few minutes after using St. John’s wort oil.
White cabbage. This is probably the best remedy against the inflammation of the veins. Take 1-2 fresh leaves, mash them gently on a wooden platter and make an overnight application.
Garlic syrup. Put 10 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of finely cut nettle and 1.5 kg of finely cut lemons in a pot. Add 2 l of water and slowly heat the mixture for about an hour, making sure that it does not boil. let it cool off, sift it ad put it in small bottles. Take 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day, for 15 days.