A Few Simple Measures That Will Fight Jet Lag

Those of you that travel frequently know very well what jet lag feels like. To make sure everyone knows what we are talking about, jet lag translates to a temporary inability to rest properly due to a confused body clock. It happens when you travel to places with time zones that are significantly different from the one your organism is used to. In simple words, it means that you will feel like it “should” be night during the day and vice-versa, making your regular activities quite tricky. Luckily, there are solutions that will help you quickly adapt to new environments. Here are a few.


  • Exercise on a regular basis and have a healthy diet

Not surprisingly, a body that is healthier overall will be quicker to adapt to  new conditions and recover from exhaustion. These two measures will improve all aspects of your life, not just those related to jet lag. During flights, do not be afraid to do a few stretches, as much as the conditions allow you.

  • Stay hydrated during flights

Dehydration is something that exacerbates any problems related to rest, jet lag included. It is important that you drink plenty of water during flights. Try to avoid alcohol, coffee and caffeine in general; while they do make you feel like your thirst is quenched for the short term, they actually dehydrate you.

  • Manage your sleeping schedule a few days before travelling

Do your research regarding the timezone in the area that you travel to. After that, adjust your sleeping schedule at home accordingly. Sleep when it’s night at your destination and stay awake during its daytime, regardless of the hours in your timezone. By the time you leave, your body will be used to this new schedule.

  • Get a little sun exposure each day

You should go out at least for a few minutes during midday, in order to get used to the time zone faster. Sleeping through the whole day will only add to your confusion.

  • If possible, stop at intermediary locations

This will make sure that the transition between timezones is not too sudden for your body. Even short periods in intermediary locations can be helpful.

  • Sleep for 4 hours during your first night

4 hours in a new location is considered to be the optimal amount of sleep that you can get for your first night. It will allow your body to adjust to a new environment quicker. Go on with the rest of your day as you desire.

  • Wear sunglasses inside

You may not like the idea of wearing sunglasses unless you are outside during a sunny day, but here you have a good reason to make an exception. The lowered exposure to artificial light will keep your body more relaxed and help get used to a new time zone faster.

  • Lower your stress levels

Try to avoid unnecessary stress during your travels. Plan ahead, take the time to rest and focus on the positives of your experience.

As you can see, jet lag can be fought with rather simple measures. Following these will allow you to experience the joys of travelling as never before.

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