Remedies, Symptoms and Causes of Scalp Acne

Without any doubts, scalp acne can represent a serious problem and sometimes it can cause pain. More, if you don’t treat this problem, you can have bald patches or scars. Although you may have members of the family that have acne, you don’t have to worry about suffering from this problem, because you can prevent it. In this article, you will find out more information about causes, symptoms, and treatments for scalp acne.



If you had acne on your back or face, you know that it produces inflamed and red pimples. It’s not recommended to scratch these pimples, although they are itchy. Besides, you may feel pain when you touch them.

It’s possible to see your scalp acne if the pimples are close to the hairline. Also, the pimple may form a crust and then release a liquid.

If you don’t treat the acne, it can cause bald patches or scars on your scalp. Moreover, specialists claim that scalp acne can cause scalp folliculitis which is a serious issue. Don’t think that acne is a superficial problem. It may seem that it’s harmless, but in reality, it may provoke some grave problems.

Prevention and treatment

After you’ve done your workout or any other activity that made you sweat, it’s recommended to wash your scalp and hair so you can prevent the infection of the pores. There are shampoos that contain selenium and zinc which are good for the scalp health. Moreover, tea tree oil can improve the health of your scalp. All you have to do is add a couple of drops of this essential oil in your shampoo.

You should avoid the hair products that are oily because they don’t let the skin “breathe” and ultimately they can cause acne. Before buying shampoo or another hair product, it’s indicated to read the label to see if it contains any irritating ingredients.

Moreover, treating scalp acne is different than treating any other type of acne. For instance, you can treat the acne from other areas of your body with benzoyl peroxide, but you can’t use it for the scalp because it can whiten your hair. If you want to treat scalp acne, you can apply salicylic acid on the affected areas.


There are some factors that trigger the formation of scalp acne. For instance, pills that contain hormones, stress, hormonal imbalance or environmental toxins can lead to acne.

Moreover, the scalp acne is provoked by hair products that are composed of harmful chemicals that can irritate the pores.

Sebaceous glands produce sebum which is essential for the lubrication of hair and skin. But there are cases when the production of sebum is too high. If your skin pores are blocked, the sebum will remain blocked too within the hair follicles. In the end, they will form pimples, therefore infections of the skin.

It’s important to acknowledge the risks of any type of acne, and we should treat it as soon as it’s possible.

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