Plantain Can Cleanse the Blood and Detoxify The Body
The Plantago Major or plantain is a green, weedy plant native to Europe, North America, and Asia. Plantain has been used by cultures around the world to help relieve health ailments since ancient times.
Plantain is mainly known for its comforting properties of the respiratory tract. The plantain leaves can relieve a dry cough, irritation of mucous membranes caused by respiratory infections, and can boost the immune system. The plant can cure skin conditions, sunburns, insect bites, itching, burns, cuts, blisters, joint pain, inflammation and muscle sprains. Used properly, plantain can act as a blood detoxifier, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
Plantain syrup
The most effective natural remedy is the syrup made from plantain leaves. Take some fresh leaves, wash them and blend them. Take a sieve and squeeze the leaves through. The resulting juice will be mixed with an equal amount of honey. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes at low heat until it thickens. Keep the syrup in a bottle in a cold place.
The syrup acts as a detoxifier. Take one tablespoon (one teaspoon for children) of this syrup each day for three weeks. For the treatments of respiratory disorders (a cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis) take one tablespoon three times a day. You can also use plantain syrup to sweeten teas and other beverages.
Plantain tincture
If you want to keep this amazing plant throughout the year, you can make a plantain tincture. Take a jar and fill it with clean, crushed plantain leaves. Fill the jar with vodka or brandy, put the lid on, shake it well and then put the jar in a dark and cool place for about one month and a half. The plantain tincture will last for years.
You can use the tincture both externally and internally. Take 5-10 drops of the tincture under the tongue or add them in a small glass of water. This will help draw out mucous, infections and other toxins out of the body.
Plantain tea
Pour a cup of hot water over one teaspoon of plantain seeds. Let it cool and drink before going to sleep. Plantain tea is used to treat diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery and bleeding mucous membranes. It is also a diuretic, so it is useful to treat bladder and kidney problems.
Plantain tea has also shown benefits in treating coughs, allergies, asthma, hay fever, soothing a sore throat and acting as a gentle expectorant.
The plantain root is successfully used to make a powder which can relieve headaches and toothaches. The plant also has potent antivenomous properties, being an excellent choice when it comes to poisonous stings and bites (including snakes and scorpions). Just keep this in mind: you never know when you might need a quick pain and poison remedy.
You can also add fresh plantain leaves to salads, soups, and other dishes to benefit from its amazing properties. Although many people think that plantain is just a weed, it is truly a miracle medicinal herb with so many advantages and properties.